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Kim Estvanko

My name is Kim Estvanko. I was raised in the mid-west becoming a Colorado transplant in 1986. I love Colorado’s climate and the health oriented lifestyle associated with living here. In my spare time, I love to hike, bike, kayak and cook as well as spending time with family and friends. I am also a volunteer leader of a grassroots movement that strives for individual happiness and world peace.

An Aveda graduate of 2012, I am licensed as a dual therapist doing both skincare and massage performing the following: customized facials, face and body waxing, derma planing, micro-dermabrasion and chemical peels. I have licensed and certified in several massage modalities including but not limited to Reflexology, Essential Oils and Aromatherapy including Raindrop Therapy, Reiki/Chakra Massage and Acupressure.

My passion derives from a desire to help heal people through their skin be it a facial only or a full body massage, by way of a mind body soul connection using touch, breath and aroma . I enjoy incorporating essential oils and aromas as well as energy work into my services upon client’s requests.

I consider my approach as somewhat intuitive coupled with my compassionate and kind nature which attributes to my success as a healer. I love that I am able to create a unique experience that is both beneficial and relaxing for my clients- an experience in which they describe as unlike any other.

Why not consider my specialty, a FASSAGE. This is a combination service beginning with a massage and transitions directly to a facial. It is considered the best of both worlds for complete rest and relaxation experience.

I look forward to assisting you correct, prevent and renew your skin to it’s fullest potential as well as aiding in all of your massage needs for healing and relaxation.

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