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Chemical Stress – Part 3 of The Three Forms of Stress

In addition to Physical and Emotional stress, your body and wellness can suffer from Chemical stress. Chemical stress is induced by toxins in your environment.  This includes everything from the foods and drinks you consume to the medication you take to the air you breathe.

Eating a diet composed of mainly processed foods or foods high in sugar and saturated fat, can deprive your body of the nutrients it needs.  Over time it can add significant weight to your frame and cause physical stress on your internal organs.

Their are preventative and proactive ways to mitigate chemical stress and it is important to consider the following factors.

Chemical Stress can be generated also by anyother toxins in your environment, from the air your breathe to medications you take. While it can be extremely harmful to your health, the good news is that you can make the right choices and mitigate chemical stress.
Contact Moyer Total Wellness today to take the next steps in improving your wellness and reducing stress.
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