Do Ab Exercises Alone Burn Belly Fat?

Do Ab Exercises Alone Burn Belly Fat?

Do Ab Exercises Alone Burn Belly Fat? If I asked my pre-lockdown self that same question, I would probably say, “Why would you even consider that as a blog topic?  Of course, it does!”  Well, my post-lockdown self has a completely different answer.  And I found that...
Chiropractic Care for Tension Headaches

Chiropractic Care for Tension Headaches

Tension headaches can takeover your day.  The pounding pain, the overwhelming ache, and the inability to rid of a headache can impact your work, your day to day activities and can even result in you missing out on events that you otherwise would have enjoyed. Learn...
Unlock Your Fat and Lose Weight

Unlock Your Fat and Lose Weight

Unlock Your Fat and Lose Weight You may already know that I used to work for the Cenegenics Medical Institute – they are the worldwide leader in ‘Age Management Medicine’.  Clients paid $2000 to come to the institute for 4 hours.  Two of those hours were spent in a...

Weight Loss & Summer Reset Presentation

Weight Loss & Summer Reset Program Presentation Thursday June 19th, 5:45 pm – 6:45 pm Presented By: Certified Master Nutritionist and Health Manager Jessica Lee Paulos • Learn how to jumpstart your metabolism. • Discover the tools you need to have a successful...