COVID-19 Guidelines for Re-Opening

by May 7, 2020

Update: February 28, 2022

We are so excited to announce that masks are no longer required in our clinic!!

Some of our staff may choose to continue to wear masks, as we know some of our clients will too. If you prefer that the staff member you are working with wear a mask, please ask!

Update: January 5, 2022

In accordance with the Current Public Health Order in Denver, we require all staff, clients, and patients to wear a face mask at all times in our clinic, including during treatment.

Please reschedule your appointment if you begin to show symptoms of Covid-19 or have been in close contact with someone who recently tested positive until symptoms improve and/or you have a negative Covid test result. If you show up to our clinic with symptoms, we reserve the right to cancel your appointment and reschedule for another day.

We are also asking staff to not come into work if they are showing symptoms which may result in appointments being cancelled. If your appointment is cancelled due to staff illness, we will do our best to re-book you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we figure this out together.

Update: August 30, 2021

  • All Moyer Total Wellness staff will continue to wear face masks at all times while in the office, regardless of vaccination status.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated, we ask that you continue to wear a face mask the entire time you are in our office, including during your treatment.
  • If you are fully vaccinated, we still encourage you to wear a face mask, however, if you would like to remove your mask during your massage, you can have that conversation with your massage therapist.


Update: July 5, 2021

Beginning today, July 5, we will no longer require fully vaccinated clients and staff to wear a mask in our clinic.

Some of our staff will continue to wear masks as we know some of our clients will too.

If you prefer that the staff member you are working with wear a mask, please ask. Our front desk staff will also wear a mask upon request.

This is in accordance with Colorado PHO 20-38.

We look forward to seeing all of your smiling faces soon!


Update: June 1, 2021

As we navigate the ongoing Coronavirus crisis together, we’re committed to closely following updates and keeping everyone’s health top of mind.

In accordance with local guidance, we have made some updates to our mask policy.

We ask that you please continue to wear a mask in all common areas of the clinic.

Once in your treatment room, you and your provider can discuss whether or not you are comfortable with one or both of you removing your masks for treatment.

This decision will exclusively be made between you and your provide and neither are to remove their mask with out mutual consent.

Other Safety Measures Still in Place Include:

  • Increased Cleaning & Sanitation
  • Contactless Checkout
  • Staggered Appointments


Update: May 9, 2020

We are so excited to announce that as of May 9, we will be open for all services!! And can start booking immediately.

Although we are finally able to re-open, you will notice some changes around the office. Please keep in mind that these changes are not only put in place by our office to keep staff and clients safe, but they have also been put in place in accordance with the Safer at Home Executive Order (D 2020 044) and the Public Health Order 20-28. We must stay compliant with strict state orders to remain open.

What You Need to Know Before Your Next Appointment

  • Clients are required to wear at least a face mask or cloth covering at all times while in our office.
  • We advise all immunocompromised or high-risk individuals to stay home. Please give us a call if you are at high-risk but also in severe, acute, or debilitating pain so we can discuss some options with you.
  • All clients will answer a brief health questionnaire and have their temperature taken before entering our office. We reserve the right to decline treatment based on the information of the health questionnaire.
  • Please wait in your car until 5 minutes before your appointment. If you come in before that time, we will ask you to go back to your car. We cannot have you wait in the reception area.
  • We are only allowed to have a limited number of people in the office at a time. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate guests or children at any appointments. Please come on your own.
  • We are unable to accommodate couples massages at this time.
  • Social distancing requirements are still in place, please maintain a minimum of 6-feet of distance between you and others when not being treated.
  • All appointments will be prompt to ensure staff has sufficient time between sessions to thoroughly clean and change PPE. This means if you’re running late, it will have to cut into your treatment time.
  • All staff schedules have been cut by about 25-50% to ensure there are no more than 10 people in the office at any given time. This means it may be more difficult for you to book your preferred time and staff member. We recommend booking ASAP and ask for your flexibility when possible.
  • Online booking will be enabled again soon, however, we recommend calling to book appointments so we can maximize each staff member’s very limited schedule. Please call the front desk if you have questions about a specific staff member’s temporary schedule.
  • Please call ahead of time to make sure you have an up-to-date card on file for contactless checkout. We can email you a receipt or superbill.
  • If you prefer to leave a cash tip, we ask that you bring exact change and leave it on your massage table after your session. The front desk can assist with tips on a card.
  • Do not come in if you or someone you are in close contact with is or has recently been sick.
  • We will waive our 24-hour late cancellation policy if you are ill, however, please give us as much notice as possible. We are requiring staff to do the same.
  • All May monthly automatic payments have been suspended unless you requested otherwise. All credits set to expire March – June have been extended through the end of the summer.

What Are We Doing to Protect Our Community?

  • We have asked staff to return to work only when they are ready and comfortable to return.
  • All staff are required to wear masks.
  • All staff will have their temperature taken and answer a brief health questionnaire when they enter the office. We reserve the right to send the staff member home and cancel any of their future appointments based on the information of the health questionnaire.
  • We are staggering appointment start times to reduce congestion in the reception area.
  • We have increased our cleaning and sanitizing protocols.
  • We are using a custom blend of…. to clean and disinfect all non-porous surfaces.
  • We are thoroughly disinfecting massage beds and chiropractic tables between each appointment.
  • We are constantly disinfecting surfaces touched by any person. This includes but is not limited to door handles, countertops, pens, chairs, etc…
  • You may notice our rooms looking a little bare. We have removed any unnecessary items to allow for easier cleaning.
  • We are cleaning all sheets, blankets, face cradle covers, etc… between every appointment with hot water and extra strong laundry detergent.
  • All of our staff are used to thoroughly washing their hands before and after every client, however, they have increased their hand-washing protocols.

Health Screening Questionnaire

Our office requires a quick health check before proceeding with your scheduled service. This health check includes taking your temperature and answering a brief symptom questionnaire.

Do you have any of These Symptoms?

  • Dry Cough
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Sore Throat
  • Nasal Congestion/Runny Nose
  • Head or Body Aches
  • Nausea, Vomiting, or Diarrhea
  • Any Other Symptoms?
  • Have you recently been tested for COVID-19? If yes, what were the results?
  • Have you recently been in close contact with anyone exhibiting these symptoms or someone who has recently tested positive for COVID-19?

We reserve the right to deny treatment or cancel appointments based on this information.

Why Are We Asking You These Questions?

In accordance with the Safer at Home Executive Order (D 2020-44) and the Public Health Order 20-28, we are required to screen all staff and customers by taking your temperature and asking you these questions. Some of our staff’s insurance also require this screening process prior to treatment.

What Are We Going to Do with This Information?

This information will be securely stored in your treatment notes for your appointment.

When Will You Be Denied Treatment?

This is in compliance with the Colorado Safer-at-Home Order.

  • If your temperature is 100.4° or higher, you will automatically be denied treatment and asked to leave the office immediately. We advise you to go home and begin monitoring your symptoms in self-isolation. Please contact a medical doctor if your fever worsens.
  • If your temperature is 99.2° – 100.3°, you may be denied treatment. You should begin monitoring your temperature twice a day for a minimum of 7 days to determine if the temperature is going up.
  • If you present with 2 or more of the above symptoms, you will be denied treatment and asked to leave the office. We advise you to go home and begin monitoring your symptoms in self-isolation. Please contact a medical doctor if your symptoms worsen.
  • If you have recently been in close contact with anyone exhibiting these symptoms or someone who has recently tested positive for COVID-19, you may be denied for treatment.
  • Staff are required to have their temperature taken and answer the symptom questionnaire daily as well. If a staff member starts showing symptoms, they will be asked to leave immediately and not return to work for a minimum of 7-14 days or until they qualify to return to work per CDC guidelines.
  • We reserve the right to cancel any future appointments if a staff member is unable to work due to the results of the health questionnaire.

When Can You Re-Book If Denied Treatment?

Whether you called to cancel an appointment due to illness, or you were denied treatment due to the results of your health questionnaire, in compliance with CDC guidelines, we cannot allow you to re-book an appointment until:

  • You have had no fever for at least 72 hours (that is three full days of no fever without using medicine that reduces fever)
  • AND other symptoms have improved (for example, when your cough or shortness of breath have improved).
  • AND at least 7 days have passed since your symptoms first appeared
  • OR you have a recent negative COVID-19 test result.

What Should You Do If You Are Sick?

  • If you begin to develop symptoms prior to an appointment. Please call to cancel your appointment immediately. We do NOT want you to come in if you are sick. Our late cancellation fee will be waived if you are sick or begin to show symptoms but please let us know as soon as possible so we can cancel your appointment if needed.
  • If you begin to develop symptoms within 7 days of being in our office, please call us immediately so we can perform proper follow-up procedures.

Thank you!

Please be aware, things could change at any time should there be a surge of COVID-19 cases in our region or if there are any new regulations put in place by the city or state. We will always do our best to communicate to you what we know and any changes that may affect you.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can do that would make you feel more comfortable coming into our office or if you have specific questions about our new protocols. We want to make sure we are doing everything we can to keep our clients and staff happy and healthy!

We want to thank everyone for your support through this difficult time. We’ve received so many kind calls and emails checking in on us. We’ve also had so many people purchase gift cards or prepay for services. Every little bit has helped us tremendously and we cannot thank you enough. We have missed you all so much and can’t wait to get back to work!

As always, please reach out to us if there is anything we can assist you with. We hope to see you all very soon! Stay well!


The Moyer Total Wellness Team

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