Have a Safe and Healthy Valentine’s Day

by Feb 11, 2021

Have a safe Valentine’s Day?  A healthy Valentine’s Day?  Before this article, has anyone ever felt the need to wish you a Valentine’s Day that is safe or healthy?  It’s not like this day is notorious for dangerous driving, and there’s no way around the fact that most of us are going to eat candy.

Alas, we are still dealing with the new normal brought on by covid.  With our traditional means of celebrating deemed unsafe, the pandemic has successfully made the holidays weird and/or sad.  But I hope you made the most of the ones that just passed, and perhaps made beautiful memories with what you had to work with.  So how about trying to make the most with this one too?  And while you’re doing that, how about gifting experiences that are both immunity boosting and low risk for spreading illness?  (I hope I never have to write that sentence ever again.)

Safe and Healthy Ways to Celebrate

Have Romantic Meals at Home

    • Well, they don’t have to be romantic.  Maybe you’re just celebrating with your platonic roommate or a family member.  Set the candles, lay down the red tablecloth, and serve the heart-shaped pancakes at your own dining table!  Even if your area does allow outdoor seating at restaurants, this is likely to be a crowded day.  Keep the risk low and try to stay home.
    • Still support your local businesses if you’d like to eat out, though!  I’m sure most of your favorite places are offering delivery and pickup.  Just be sure to wash your hands after moving the food from the box to your fancy plate!

Should You Go Out, Be Extra Strict

    • Be a pain.  You owe it to your health and everybody else’s health to grill a place about its sanitary precautions.  For example: if salons are open and you want to look glamorous this Valentine’s Day, do your research and gather some questions.  Most businesses have their Covid procedures listed on their websites, so check that out before calling the place with your inquiries.

Safety Procedures at Moyer Total Wellness

    • Just so you know, we’re very strict about our sanitary procedures at Moyer Total Wellness.  If you book or give the gift of bodywork this Valentine’s Day, know that your safety is of utmost importance to us. Please note, couple’s massages are not available until further notice.
    • Also note, massage boosts immunity!

Celebrate with Hygge

    • I’ve talked about hygge before in previous blogs, and February is the perfect month for hygge!  Hygge is a Danish or Norwegian word, pronounced hyoo-gah or hoo-gah, and it’s all about coziness and being indoors!  Curl up on the couch with your loved one, brew up some warm wintery tea, and watch a romantic movie (unless you’re like me and romantic movies make you cringe.  There’s always somewhere to stream the Godfather Part I, you know.)

Try the Healthier Chocolate

    • I view the holidays as a splurge day, so don’t judge yourself if you eat the Valentine’s equivalent of a Cadbury Creme Egg today.  But did you know that there are healthier alternatives that are just as delicious?
    • Dark chocolate has been shown to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease.  And everybody knows about the vitamin C in berries!  Make some dark chocolate covered strawberries!  Boost the immunity!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

We are wishing you all a very safe and healthy Valentine’s Day together this year.

Katrina Jenkins

Katrina Jenkins

Author, Licensed Massage Therapist

Katrina Jenkins graduated from Towson University in 2013 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Health Science and worked as a nurse’s aide briefly before pursuing her true passion. She graduated from the Massage Therapy Institute of Colorado in April 2016 with honors and completed the Touch of Healers Scholarship Program the following summer. She has been a part of the Moyer Total Wellness Team since the summer of 2017.

Photo Credit:

Canva by Techa Tungateja from Getty Images


Gröber, Uwe et al. “Myth or Reality-Transdermal Magnesium?.” Nutrients vol. 9,8 813. 28 Jul. 2017, doi:10.3390/nu9080813, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5579607/.

Jahnen-Dechent, Wilhelm, and Markus Ketteler. “Magnesium basics.” Clinical kidney journal vol. 5,Suppl 1 (2012): i3-i14. doi:10.1093/ndtplus/sfr163, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4455825/.

Eby, George A., et al. “Magnesium and Major Depression.” Magnesium in the Central Nervous System [Internet]., University of Adelaide Press, Jan. 2011, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK507265/.

Gröber, Uwe, et al. “Calcium Carbonate with Magnesium Overdose.” Mount Sinai Health System, 28 July 2017, www.mountsinai.org/health-library/poison/calcium-carbonate-with-magnesium-overdose.

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