Safer at Home Level 3 and Massage Protocols

As high-risk covid cases continue to rise, Denver has moved to a Safer at Level 3 order. Restaurants, places of worship, and non-critical businesses are still operating, but only at 25% capacity.
This is, and has been, a stressful time for individuals and communities affected by coronavirus. Depression and anxiety, which can have a detrimental impact on physical health, are on a continuous rise. This makes self-care all the more vital to one’s well being, but bodywork services seem hard to come by while Safer at Home Level 3 is in effect.
In actuality though, not all bodywork providers have been impacted by covid to the same extent. Personal service businesses, such as spas, are considered non-critical and functioning at 25% capacity at this time. Some aren’t staying open at all for the time being. Yet healthcare facilities offering massage, such as chiropractic offices, have a greater operating capacity so long as they are following the right protocols.
The immunity-boosting and stress relieving benefits alone make it an ideal form of therapy at a time like this. With proper hygienic precautions, massage in a medical setting is still a safe therapeutic treatment.
What is Moyer Total Wellness doing to ensure a safe and comfortable massage experience at our office?
Thorough Sanitization
Massage rooms are thoroughly sanitized between each session. We’ve always been on top of our sanitary procedures, but we’ve become more strict since reopening in May. Everything — linens, massage tables, shelves, everything that will possibly come in direct contact with skin or breath — is deeply cleaned.
For us to do this, we need to have a set amount of time for cleaning in between appointments. To stay in line with Safer at Home Level 3’s standards, all late arrivals will result in a shortened session.
Health Questionnaires
Before entering the massage room, patients and staff members are given questionnaires in regards to their current health and have their temperature taken. Based on the information provided, we reserve the right to proceed with or decline treatment.
No More than Two People in Room
Only the patient and the therapist may be present in the room during each session. No family members or friends are permitted to wait in the massage room or reception area. We ask that you do not bring anyone to your appointment with you.
Couples massages are discontinued until further notice.
Strict Staff Requirements
- We reserve the right to send a staff member home based on the information provided in the health questionnaire
- Staff members have their temperatures taken at the start of their shifts
- Everyone is required to wear a mask
- Hand washing protocols have increased
- Any surface that is touched is thoroughly sanitized
- Doorknobs, pens, counters, etc.
No Cancellation Fees for Sick Clients
If you’re not feeling well, cancel your appointment immediately. You will not be charged a cancellation fee.
If you do cancel an appointment due to sickness, we ask that you wait a minimum of 14 days before returning to our office or have a negative Covid test result.
We Hope to See You Soon!
At a time like this, we’re grateful to be open and treating patients. Thank you so much for your support and we hope to see you soon!

Katrina Jenkins
Author, Licensed Massage Therapist
Katrina Jenkins graduated from Towson University in 2013 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Health Science and worked as a nurse’s aide briefly before pursuing her true passion. She graduated from the Massage Therapy Institute of Colorado in April 2016 with honors and completed the Touch of Healers Scholarship Program the following summer. She has been a part of the Moyer Total Wellness Team since the summer of 2017.
Photo credit: Canva by nattrass
“COVID-19/Coronavirus Information for Massage Therapists: AMTA.” American Massage Therapy Association, 2020,
McRae, Jennifer. “Denver Moves To Safer At Home Level 3 ‘High Risk’ As Coronavirus Cases Continue To Rise.” CBS Denver, CBS Denver, 27 Oct. 2020,
“Safer at Home – Level 3: Frequently Asked Questions.” DenverGov, 28 Oct. 2020,