Evidence Based Pain Relief

Evidence Based Pain Relief

Evidence Based Pain Relief Pain is a message, a warning signal from the body to the brain in regards to damaged tissue.   If you put your hand on a hot stove top, your brain moves your hand away very quickly.  Pain dominates our nervous system, it captures our focus,...
Waking up With Neck Pain

Waking up With Neck Pain

Waking up With Neck Pain Did you wake up with a stiff and painful neck this morning? Can you barely turn your head and all that happened was you went to sleep? Are you finding that you have to turn your entire body in order to look over your shoulder? Did you recently...
What is Kyphosis: Causes and Prevention

What is Kyphosis: Causes and Prevention

What is Kyphosis: Causes and Prevention Kyphosis, also called a hunchback or humpback, is an excessive forward curvature of the spine.  Though it can arise at any age, kyphosis is most common among older women.  This is due to the fact that kyphosis often coincides...
What is Spinal Subluxation?

What is Spinal Subluxation?

What is Spinal Subluxation? What is a Subluxation? The simple definition is a partial dislocation of a bone in a joint.  Though the bones forming the joint are partially intact, a subluxation can be just as painful as a full dislocation.  Subluxations can occur in any...