Massage for Rotator Cuff Injury

Massage for Rotator Cuff Injury

Massage for Rotator Cuff Injury Your rotator cuff is a hard working muscle group.  Consisting of your supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor, the rotator cuff muscles and their tendons surround and stabilize the shoulder joint.  They make sure...
Treating Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Treating Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Treating Thoracic Outlet Syndrome The thoracic outlet, located in your upper chest area, is what the narrow space between your collarbone (clavicle) and your first rib is called.  Inside this thoracic outlet lies the brachial plexus, which is a network of nerves and...
Is It a Frozen Shoulder?

Is It a Frozen Shoulder?

Is It a Frozen Shoulder? Have you ever woken up with a stiff or sore shoulder?  It’s likely just due to overuse, strain, or sleeping in an awkward position. However, if the chronic discomfort doesn’t subside within a few days, especially if the pain is worsening and...
Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

Shoulder Impingement Syndrome Do you have shoulder pain? Does it get worse when you lift your arm out to the side or when you twist your arm? Has it been making it difficult to carry different items or perform different tasks at work? You might have what’s called...
The Lonely Muscle Part 1: Subscapularis

The Lonely Muscle Part 1: Subscapularis

The Lonely Muscle Part 1: Subscapularis The lonely muscle.  The muscle nobody likes to talk about.  The muscle that so badly needs to be massaged but nobody wants to be anywhere near it. I’m talking about your subscapularis; that one muscle in your rotator cuff that...