3 Easy and Healthy Breakfast Recipes

by Oct 14, 2019

Most people can benefit from eating 4 meals a day, with about 20-30 grams of protein per meal, including a snack.  Some people need only 3 meals, others 5-6 meals per day.  Here are 3 recipes for breakfast, which are balanced, tasty and fairly quick to make!

Meal Planning: Breakfast

Remember: a balanced meal consists of all three macromolecules (macros); protein, carb and fat.

Eggs + Veggies

An egg has 7 grams of protein, so a three-egg omelet will cover your protein needs at this meal.  Add as many veggies or fruits to your breakfast as you can, these are your healthy carbs.  If you are buying free range or Omega-3 eggs, they will also have healthy fat.  You can also add a ¼ – ½ of an avocado to your plate for a bit of healthy fat.  If you only want to eat 1-2 eggs, consider adding a few ounces of breakfast meat or collagen protein to a cup of coffee in the morning (10 grams of protein).

Steel Cut Oats

Steel Cut Oats are a low processed, whole grain (healthy carb). The night before, soak ¼ cup of oats in ½ cup of water.  All you need to do the next morning is heat them up.  I like to add raisins, sliced almonds, chia seeds, and little bit of brown sugar.  The steel cut oats have a little good fat, but only 4 grams of protein.  Adding in 1 Tablespoon of chia seeds will add additional healthy fat and 2 more grams of protein.  To get the rest of the protein needed per meal, add in one cup of soy milk (7 grams or protein) and have collagen protein powder in your coffee. This is a low glycemic meal that will provide energy for many hours.

Protein Smoothie

This is my favorite breakfast!  It has a lot of ingredients, but once you get the prep down, it only takes a few minutes each morning.  It requires protein powder and a high quality blender to get it just right.  I recommend Juice Plus Vanilla Protein Powder (we sell this in our office) and the Vitamix.Tip! Consider taking fish oil at every meal for a healthy fat

  • 1-2 cups of soy milk
  • 1 scoop protein powder
  • ½ banana
  • ½ cup frozen blueberries
  • ½ cup frozen cherries
  • 1 tablespoon of chia seed
  • 1 cup raw or frozen spinach

Just throw it all into a blender and blend until smooth. You can pretty much throw anything into this smoothie that you like.  Try various powders (PB2), fruits, veggies, seeds, etc… to mix up the flavor and add a little variety.

As an added tip, if you don’t like the grittiness of the chia seeds in your smoothie, try soaking them in water or soy milk (1/4 cup chia seeds to 1 cup liquid) for 20 minutes or up-to 5 days ahead of time. The chia seeds will absorb the liquid and can then be blended smoothly in your smoothie.

If you have questions, call our office to schedule a nutrition consultation.


Written by: Randy Moyer, DC, NSCS

Photo Credit: Randy Moyer, DC, NSCS

Photo Credit: Photo by Katie Smith on Unsplash

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