Cold Therapy

Cold Therapy

Cold Therapy Do you have a deep-seated hatred for the summer heat?  If so, then this is the article for you! But even if you’re the type who enjoys excessive perspiration and general heat-related discomfort, ice therapy will still do wonders for your body!  So...
What is Runner’s Knee?

What is Runner’s Knee?

What is Runner’s Knee? The term runner’s knee might sound as straightforward as it gets.  Clearly, you’re probably thinking, it must be an unfortunate condition that plagues the knees of people who run too much.  But really, that’s a semi inaccurate definition...
IT Band Syndrome

IT Band Syndrome

IT Band Syndrome Everyone has a tight IT band.  The IT band, or iliotibial tract, functions like a tough tendon and not so much like a muscle.  And they’re tight for a reason, as their job is to attach muscle to bone.  They have to be tough to do that effectively! But...
Healthy Quarantine Part 2: Physical Health

Healthy Quarantine Part 2: Physical Health

Blog Hi again, those of you in quarantine!  I hope you’re staying safe, healthy, and physically well! “But Katrina, I saw you eat an entire pizza yesterday!  That doesn’t sound like a physically well thing to do!”  First of all, no you didn’t.  Second of all, it was...