Your Own Monthly Fitness Challenge

Your Own Monthly Fitness Challenge

Your Own Monthly Fitness Challenge What is a monthly fitness challenge? There isn’t really a dictionary definition, but it is exactly what it sounds like it is.  At Moyer Total Wellness, we staff members participate in a new fitness challenge every month — and...
The Lonely Muscle Part 2: Psoas

The Lonely Muscle Part 2: Psoas

The Lonely Muscle Part 2: Psoas In my previous blog titled The Lonely Muscle Part 1: Subscapularis, we discussed the significance of your subscapularis and all the reasons why it’s such a lonely muscle.  However, there is one muscle in your body that manages to be...
Cupping 101

Cupping 101

Cupping 101 Thanks to Michael Phelps and the 2016 Summer Olympics, cupping therapy, or myofascial decompression, has gained a lot of steam. Even though most people have heard of cupping, I’m still often asked what it is and how it works! What is Cupping? Cupping...
The Lonely Muscle Part 1: Subscapularis

The Lonely Muscle Part 1: Subscapularis

The Lonely Muscle Part 1: Subscapularis The lonely muscle.  The muscle nobody likes to talk about.  The muscle that so badly needs to be massaged but nobody wants to be anywhere near it. I’m talking about your subscapularis; that one muscle in your rotator cuff that...
Unlock Your Fat and Lose Weight

Unlock Your Fat and Lose Weight

Unlock Your Fat and Lose Weight You may already know that I used to work for the Cenegenics Medical Institute – they are the worldwide leader in ‘Age Management Medicine’.  Clients paid $2000 to come to the institute for 4 hours.  Two of those hours were spent in a...
Trigger Point Treatment of TMJ

Trigger Point Treatment of TMJ

blogs As a massage therapist, I hear the complaints of jaw dysfunction & Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ / TMD) all the time:  jaw pain, popping, bruxism (teeth grinding / teeth clenching), tinnitus (ringing in ears), migraines, headaches, and other...