Unlock Your Fat and Lose Weight

Unlock Your Fat and Lose Weight

Unlock Your Fat and Lose Weight You may already know that I used to work for the Cenegenics Medical Institute – they are the worldwide leader in ‘Age Management Medicine’.  Clients paid $2000 to come to the institute for 4 hours.  Two of those hours were spent in a...

Brooke Burke’s Workout Tips

Brooke Burke, the 40 year old “Dancing with the Stars” co-host reveals her new series of workout videos. A mother of 4 with a full time job , we can’t wait to hear her secrets.  Watch now on ABC News. video platform video management video solutions...

How to Stay Motivated and Organized

Author Peter Bregman discusses how to stay organized and motivated. The end result?  Achieving your goals.   Watch now. <object name=”kaltura_player_1327334930″ id=”kaltura_player_1327334930″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash”...

Weight Loss and Gain During the Holiday Season

Halloween is only days away and the holiday season is right behind it.  Candy, feasts, and holiday goodies are in our future whether we like it or not.  This time of the year can be one of the most enjoyable and simultaneously one of the most difficult times of the...