Welcome To Our Wellness Blog

Thanks for Checking out Our Health and Wellness Blog!

Many of the posts in our wellness blog contain information relevant to massage therapy, chiropractic care, acupuncture, and more.  However, a lot of the information is geared towards healthy living as well. We hope you can use this as a resource to empower you to live your healthiest and happiest life!

Your Sternocleidomastoid and its Trigger Points

Your Sternocleidomastoid and its Trigger Points

The sternocleidomastoid, named for the areas to which it attaches (the sternum, clavicle, and mastoid process), is one of the largest and most superficial neck muscles.  While responsible for flexion, extension, and rotation of the neck, the SCM has other lesser known...

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Muscle Group of the Week: Anterior Abdominal Wall

Muscle Group of the Week: Anterior Abdominal Wall

In our last article, we talked about the lateral structures of the anterolateral abdominal wall – which includes the external abdominal oblique, internal abdominal oblique, and the transverse abdominis.  This time, we’ll talk about the anterior structures of the...

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Muscle Group of the Week: Latissimus Dorsi

Muscle Group of the Week: Latissimus Dorsi

The latissimus dorsi, also known as the lats or the latissimus, is an expansive muscle covering almost every back muscle in the body.  This wide spreading structure covers most of the superficial layer of the extrinsic back muscles; the other parts of this layer...

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Muscle Group of the Week: Hip Flexors

Muscle Group of the Week: Hip Flexors

Hip flexors, as the name clearly suggests, are the muscles responsible for hip flexion.  We’ve talked about at least one hip flexor muscle in a previous blog – the rectus femoris, the most superficial quadriceps muscle, is a hip flexor muscle.  We also have the...

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Muscle Group of the Week: Hamstrings

Muscle Group of the Week: Hamstrings

The biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus are the three posterior thigh muscles known collectively as the hamstrings.  Crossing the knee and hip joints, this strong muscle group provides the lower body with speed, quickness, and power.     What...

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Muscle Group of the Week: Scalenes

Muscle Group of the Week: Scalenes

In the lateral aspect of your neck, you have three paired muscles known as the scalenes.  The anterior, middle, and posterior scalenes form what is called the posterior triangle of the neck, which is located behind the sternocleidomastoid...

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The Link Between Neck Pain and Respiratory Issues

The Link Between Neck Pain and Respiratory Issues

Neck pain is one of the most, if not the very most, reported musculoskeletal issues we encounter here at Moyer Total Wellness. Chronic neck discomfort isn’t just painful for your muscles and limiting for your joints.  Did you know that there is a correlation between...

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Is Massage Cupping Right for You?

Is Massage Cupping Right for You?

Cupping is a great compliment to traditional hands-on massage. You’ve no doubt heard of massage cupping. Maybe a friend said they received it or you’ve seen those marks on your favorite pro athlete and now you’re curious. But what does cupping really do?   What...

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Massage Therapy and Disc Injuries

Massage Therapy and Disc Injuries

Herniated discs, slipped discs, ruptured discs, bulging discs… those are four terms, often used interchangeably, to describe injuries to the intervertebral discs. While herniated, slipped, and ruptured discs are synonymous with one another, a bulging disc is a whole...

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Trigger Finger: What Is It and How Do We Treat It?

Trigger Finger: What Is It and How Do We Treat It?

Stenosing tenosynovitis, also known as trigger finger, is a very common condition characterized by a finger (or more than one finger) locked in a bent position.  It gets its more commonly used name not just from the appearance, which often presents like a finger...

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Is It a Frozen Shoulder?

Is It a Frozen Shoulder?

Have you ever woken up with a stiff or sore shoulder?  It’s likely just due to overuse, strain, or sleeping in an awkward position. However, if the chronic discomfort doesn’t subside within a few days, especially if the pain is worsening and your range of motion is...

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Post-Surgery Massage Part 3: Buttock Augmentation

Post-Surgery Massage Part 3: Buttock Augmentation

In Post-Surgery Massage Part 1 and Post-Surgery Massage Part 2, we addressed two types of cosmetic surgery that are usually performed for aesthetic purposes but also have medical uses.  This time, we’ll be talking about a strictly cosmetic procedure that can be a...

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What is Piriformis Syndrome?

What is Piriformis Syndrome?

For Starters, What is a Piriformis? Whenever patients come into my office experiencing pain in their buttock’s muscles, they usually assume it’s a gluteal muscle strain at work.  Before we move on, here’s a quick look at the glutes! The larger highlighted muscle is...

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Wrist Pain: What It Could Be and How to Treat It

Wrist Pain: What It Could Be and How to Treat It

It can range from mild to severe, presenting itself through chronic aching or sporadic jolts of pain.  Regardless of how it’s experienced, wrist pain is as common as it is uncomfortable. What can you make of pain in the wrist and surrounding areas?  What could it be,...

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How Rolfing and Myofascial Release Can Help Back Pain

How Rolfing and Myofascial Release Can Help Back Pain

Most of Us Experience Back Pain Chronic lower back pain is the second leading cause of disability in the U.S. It is estimated that at some point 80 percent of Americans will experience back pain Aside from causes related to serious illness, some of the most common...

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Give the Gift of Ultimate Relaxation

Give the Gift of Ultimate Relaxation

While many find the end of December to be the most wonderful time of the year, others (if not most of those who celebrate) find the holidays an incredibly stressful time as well!  All that traveling, cooking, and hanging out with well-intentioned but emotionally...

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Cinnamon: A Festively Curative Spice

Cinnamon: A Festively Curative Spice

It’s the season for festive flavors again!  Last year I wrote all about the health benefits of our favorite wintry herb, peppermint!  This time, I want to tell you all about peppermint’s good friend cinnamon. Just like the aforementioned peppermint, cinnamon has a lot...

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Massage and Skin Health

Massage and Skin Health

Relaxation, pain relief, sleep promotion, quickened recovery time… those are just some of the known benefits you’ll receive from a therapeutic massage session.  It’s nearly impossible to list all the perks of massage therapy, and not just because there are so many,...

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Child Health Day

Child Health Day

Today is the first Monday of October, meaning National Child Health Day has arrived!  This special day has been recognized since the year 1928, and it’s observed to bring attention to the care all children require to lead healthy lives. Have you thought of how you...

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Types of Pain Part 1: Bone Pain

Types of Pain Part 1: Bone Pain

Bone pain is sometimes hard to differentiate from muscle pain.  Both types affect similar parts of the body, and they can vary in intensity from mild to extreme.  In most cases, bone pain is accompanied by a sharper, deeper, and more debilitating ache.  Consequently,...

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Happy International Dog Day: Give Your Dog a Massage!

Happy International Dog Day: Give Your Dog a Massage!

In 2016, a controversial study was conducted and its findings caused dog lovers everywhere to become very upset.  The study was undertaken by a retired college professor and through his non-peer-reviewed data, he came to the conclusion that our beloved dogs don’t...

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What is Kyphosis: Causes and Prevention

What is Kyphosis: Causes and Prevention

Kyphosis, also called a hunchback or humpback, is an excessive forward curvature of the spine.  Though it can arise at any age, kyphosis is most common among older women.  This is due to the fact that kyphosis often coincides with bone conditions, such as...

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Everybody Deserves a Massage Week

Everybody Deserves a Massage Week

July is here!  Which means it’s time to get ready for a national week you may or may not have heard of: Everybody Deserves a Massage Week! From July 18th-July 24th this 2021, this special week is here to spread awareness about the benefits of massage.  It’s also here...

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ACL Injury Part 1: Prevention

ACL Injury Part 1: Prevention

Resulting from a blow to the anterior cruciate limit, an ACL injury is a term most often heard on the sports channel, the playing field, or the basketball court.  Whether it’s a tear or a sprain, these injuries have a long road to recovery ahead, and often involve...

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The Importance of Starting Slowly

The Importance of Starting Slowly

These days, nearly everyone I know is stoked about the gyms reopening.  As restrictions lift, we can finally return to our forsaken barbells and rowers!  Before 2020, who’d have thought there’d come a day when we’d all be overjoyed to hop on a hip abductor machine?...

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How to Treat Jaw Pain

How to Treat Jaw Pain

Do you grind your teeth when you sleep?  Did you recently have dental surgery?  Were you diagnosed with TMJ dysfunction?  Have you ever injured your face?  If you’ve had to endure any of these possibilities, my guess is that you’re experiencing some degree of jaw...

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When Is the Best Time to Stretch?

When Is the Best Time to Stretch?

“I know, I need to stretch more.”  This is something I hear often from first-time patients, usually while I’m gliding over a particularly tight muscle.  I’m always really glad when first-timers say this, as it gives me a chance to prevent them from counterproductive...

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What Does It Mean to Throw Out Your Back?

What Does It Mean to Throw Out Your Back?

What exactly does it mean to throw out your back?  The very term throwing your back out sounds like the result of a strenuous activity gone wrong.  And oftentimes, that’s accurate.  You may have lifted a heavy box using improper form.  Maybe you overdid it on the...

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How to Start Making Small Adjustments to Your Posture

How to Start Making Small Adjustments to Your Posture

As a massage therapist, one of the most common questions I’m asked is, “Why do my shoulders make a crunchy noise whenever you touch them?”  After I explain that “crunches” are the sounds of muscle adhesions breaking up, I’m then asked, “Why do I have muscle adhesions...

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What is Spinal Subluxation?

What is Spinal Subluxation?

What is a Subluxation? The simple definition is a partial dislocation of a bone in a joint.  Though the bones forming the joint are partially intact, a subluxation can be just as painful as a full dislocation.  Subluxations can occur in any joint of the body, and one...

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Ultrasound Therapy: How Does it Work and Who is it For?

Ultrasound Therapy: How Does it Work and Who is it For?

Muscle pain, bone pain, ligament pain, tendon pain, nerve pain… musculoskeletal pain is just as abhorrent as it is common. Knowing how common it is, my guess is that you have some degree of musculoskeletal pain right now.  And if you don’t, you probably will...

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Mistakes to Avoid Before Running a Marathon

Mistakes to Avoid Before Running a Marathon

You’re about to run a marathon!  Is this something you’ve done in the past, or is it your first one ever?  Regardless of your experience level, you may want to take a look at a list of common marathon mistakes and try not to make them. And here they are! Common...

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Massage for Fibromyalgia

Massage for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia, also called fibrosis, is a pain disorder that affects 3-7% of the world population.  Its exact cause is unknown, but possible triggers are traumatic injury or viral infection.  Symptoms range from mild to severe and include muscular pain, sleep...

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Have a Safe and Healthy Valentine’s Day

Have a Safe and Healthy Valentine’s Day

Have a safe Valentine’s Day?  A healthy Valentine’s Day?  Before this article, has anyone ever felt the need to wish you a Valentine’s Day that is safe or healthy?  It’s not like this day is notorious for dangerous driving, and there’s no way around the fact that most...

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Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis

There’s a stabbing burning pain on the bottom of your heel.  You felt it as soon as you planted your foot on the ground as you got out of bed.  Not thinking much of it at first, you’ve noticed it’s still stabbing four weeks later.  Hmmm, you say.  What is going on? ...

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Kinesio Taping

Kinesio Taping

“Why do all these Denver Broncos have giant band-aids on their arms and legs?”  I’m asked this question almost every time I watch football with people who don’t massage athletes for a living.  “Those aren’t giant band-aids, silly!  They’re--” and that’s when the very...

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Cold Therapy

Cold Therapy

Do you have a deep-seated hatred for the summer heat?  If so, then this is the article for you! But even if you're the type who enjoys excessive perspiration and general heat-related discomfort, ice therapy will still do wonders for your body!  So maybe step out of...

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New Year 2021: It’s Ok to Not Have a Resolution

New Year 2021: It’s Ok to Not Have a Resolution

Well, it’s the new year again.  Happy New Year, everyone!  2020 was something, right?  Now, what can I, a blogger with no knowledge of what this year has done to you, suggest you do to make 2021 an even greater year? For starters, I’m not doing any cliche “Best New...

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Covid Holiday Stress and How to Cope

Covid Holiday Stress and How to Cope

As was addressed in the articles Giving Wellness This Thanksgiving, and Gift A Massage for the Happy Holiday, holiday stress is real.  For some, they’re more stressful than they are enjoyable.  And for 2020 especially, this holiday season may be more trying than...

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IT Band Syndrome

IT Band Syndrome

Everyone has a tight IT band.  The IT band, or iliotibial tract, functions like a tough tendon and not so much like a muscle.  And they’re tight for a reason, as their job is to attach muscle to bone.  They have to be tough to do that effectively! But some people have...

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How Massage Increases Circulation

How Massage Increases Circulation

Oh, good circulation!  When your blood and lymph are flowing the way they should, your body is oh so happy.  How so, you ask?  It aids organ function, boosts immunity, and repairs muscle damage.  So keeping your circulation tiptop is pretty important! In today’s world...

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Safer at Home Level 3 and Massage Protocols

Safer at Home Level 3 and Massage Protocols

As high-risk covid cases continue to rise, Denver has moved to a Safer at Level 3 order.  Restaurants, places of worship, and non-critical businesses are still operating, but only at 25% capacity. This is, and has been, a stressful time for individuals and communities...

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The Color of Your Plate: A Surprising Influence on Your Appetite

The Color of Your Plate: A Surprising Influence on Your Appetite

Be honest.  Is your food intake more influenced by your appetite or by actual hunger?  If you’re like most people, it’s probably appetite. There’s quite a difference between the two.  Hunger is a survival instinct.  Appetite is influenced by emotion.  You might eat...

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At Home Massage Tools: Using a Tennis Ball for Self-Massage

At Home Massage Tools: Using a Tennis Ball for Self-Massage

In my previous article titled Household Items for At-Home Massage Tools: The Car Buffer, I told you that a car buffer is a low-cost version of a handheld massage gun.  Well today, I’m going to tell you about the massage ball.  And no, I’m not talking about those spiky...

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Why Combine Massage and Yoga?

Why Combine Massage and Yoga?

Have you ever heard of a thing called yogassage?  It’s sometimes called yoga-massage, is similar to Thai massage, and is talked about a little bit in the blog The Therapeutic Massage for You. What Happens When You Add Massage and Yoga to Your Health Regimen If you’ve...

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Do Ab Exercises Alone Burn Belly Fat?

Do Ab Exercises Alone Burn Belly Fat?

If I asked my pre-lockdown self that same question, I would probably say, “Why would you even consider that as a blog topic?  Of course, it does!”  Well, my post-lockdown self has a completely different answer.  And I found that answer the hard way, so you don’t have...

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Workplace Wellness Post-Lockdown

Workplace Wellness Post-Lockdown

So you’re finally back at work!  And the businesses you love supporting are also back at work!  And the people you’re tired of being quarantined with are likely back at work too!  Yay!  Work! But things are different, aren’t they?  You were (for once) looking forward...

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Taking Sunburn Seriously

Taking Sunburn Seriously

Summer is creeping up on us, and you know what that means!  Increased risk of sunburn is creeping up on us too! Two of my recent articles already touched base on the awesomeness of the sun.  It enhances your mood, provides vitamin D3, and is much more pleasant than...

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Eating Ginger for Your Stomach

Eating Ginger for Your Stomach

Do you ever feel like your stomach straight-up hates you?  Yeah, me too. Sometimes, I feel like there’s nothing I can do to appease it.  Foods that seem to settle well with everybody else, such as wholesome apples and carrots, seem to literally hate my guts.  And you...

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Therapeutic Massage Awareness Day

Therapeutic Massage Awareness Day

There really seems to be a National Day for everything now, and Therapeutic Massage Awareness Day is one of the less weird ones!  (I just discovered that the month of May also observes National Straw Hat Day and National Paperclip Day.  People are weird.) Anway, May...

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Healthy Quarantine Part 1: Emotional Health

Healthy Quarantine Part 1: Emotional Health

Hi there, fellow home-stayers!  I hope you’re staying safe, healthy, and emotionally well! “But Katrina, you’re not emotionally well at all!”  You may say if you read my last article, Pandemic 101.  Yeah, I was pretty upset when I wrote that blog.  I was trying to...

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Maintenance of a Robust Immune System…Now and Forever

Maintenance of a Robust Immune System…Now and Forever

Feeling generally “good” is something most of us take for granted on a day to day; myself included. We get caught up in the minutia, the “to-do” list, the ego, and rarely stop to think about how lucky we are to simply have two arms and two legs, or how good it feels...

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Coronavirus and How to Boost Immunity

Coronavirus and How to Boost Immunity

The Coronavirus & How to Keep Your Immune System Going Strong News about the current coronavirus disease is even more widespread than the virus itself, and unfortunately, the nature of news is often sensational in order to garner attention. I'm writing this...

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Taking Control of Your Habits: Part 2

Taking Control of Your Habits: Part 2

Welcome Back To Taking Control of Your Habits In Part One of Taking Control of Your Habits, we discussed the first two steps in creating a habit: CUE & CRAVING. In this section we will cover the final two steps: RESPONSE & REWARD. Response The third step,...

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Turning Stress into Your Ally With a Shift in Perspective

Turning Stress into Your Ally With a Shift in Perspective

What if what we've been telling each other —and ourselves— for decades about stress is wrong? What if we've been blindly defining an elephant based on its tail, trunk, or torso? Since writing my previous article about stress I've learned that our perspective about...

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Massage 101: Common Questions About Massage

Massage 101: Common Questions About Massage

Sometimes as a massage therapist, I can get in a routine with my regular clients, taking for granted the number of people who have never had a massage before. I might forget to explain a thing or two when it's your first visit, assuming that we’re on the same page. I...

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Mouse Elbow: Elbow Pain From Working at a Desk

Mouse Elbow: Elbow Pain From Working at a Desk

If you thought that as a desk devotee you would only have to deal with neck pain, upper back pain, low back pain, and headaches (whew!) then it's time to meet Mouse Elbow. Before you reach to call the exterminator, I'll let you in on a little secret: it's the same...

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The Stiff Neck – Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

The Stiff Neck – Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Necks, am I right? While stiff muscles are unpleasant in any given part of the body, neck stiffness seems to add a bit of insult to injury.  Not only can neck stiffness be debilitating, but some of its common causes are just plain silly.  For example, I can’t count...

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Posture 101: Why Does it Matter How I Sit?

Posture 101: Why Does it Matter How I Sit?

The way we position our bodies in space whether sitting or standing has a major impact on our body's ability to perform throughout our lives. Our muscles adapt to the shapes we hold them in, especially when we sustain those shapes over years or decades. And if those...

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Quick and Healthy Snack Options

Quick and Healthy Snack Options

Most people can benefit from eating more than 2-3 times per day.  Most people cannot utilize more than 30 grams of protein per meal; yet, their daily protein requirements may be higher than 90 grams of protein.  This is where healthy snacking comes into play.  Here...

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The Stressors We Keep Part 2:  How Emotional Stress Impacts Us

The Stressors We Keep Part 2: How Emotional Stress Impacts Us

In Darwin's book The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals he writes, "Heart, guts, and brain communicate intimately...When the mind is strongly excited, it instantly affects the state of the viscera; so that under excitement there will be much mutual action...

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Low Back Pain Triggers and Solutions

Low Back Pain Triggers and Solutions

Back pain is one of the most common reasons why people call into work. An estimated 10% of the entire population has reported experiencing back pain on some level. Unfortunately, medical experts haven’t yet come up with a truly effective way to prevent it. Taking a...

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Fix It With Massage

Fix It With Massage

When people come to us with a specific condition or pain and ask if massage help, the answer is almost always a resounding, YES! While there are many methods and modalities to massage, there is almost certainly a way for massage to help you start feeling better....

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The Importance of Maintenance Massage for Athletes

The Importance of Maintenance Massage for Athletes

As an athlete and massage therapist, I know the importance of maintenance massage and regular body work for healthy muscles. Anyone who is regularly active such as runners, cyclists, and swimmers can benefit from massage. Even those who use their bodies strenuously in...

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Shin Splints and Chiropractic

Shin Splints and Chiropractic

Whether you are training for a marathon, an athlete in the middle of a season or a mom chasing your small child around, shin splints can slow you down. Shin splints are caused by excessive forces on the shin bone and the tissue around it which causes the muscles to...

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5 TCM Tips to Improve Digestion

5 TCM Tips to Improve Digestion

Throughout history, many Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners have considered digestive health to be at the core of our overall well-being. When our digestive health becomes impaired, this can lead to the development of many other diseases that may seem...

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Essentials of Fitness Part 4: Balance

Essentials of Fitness Part 4: Balance

This is the final article of my Essentials of Fitness quadrilogy.  In the previous article, we talked about one of the less talked-about aspects of fitness; which would be the flexibility aspect.  Alongside flexibility, balance is the other category of fitness that...

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Essentials of Fitness Part 1: Strength

Essentials of Fitness Part 1: Strength

As mentioned in the previous blog (and as will be mentioned in the next three blogs following this one), there are four different aspects of fitness: strength, cardio, flexibility, and balance.  A well-rounded fitness routine should address of all four categories; not...

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Cupping 101

Cupping 101

Thanks to Michael Phelps and the 2016 Summer Olympics, cupping therapy, or myofascial decompression, has gained a lot of steam. Even though most people have heard of cupping, I’m still often asked what it is and how it works! What is Cupping? Cupping therapy has been...

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Trigger Point Treatment of TMJ

Trigger Point Treatment of TMJ

As a massage therapist, I hear the complaints of jaw dysfunction & Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ / TMD) all the time:  jaw pain, popping, bruxism (teeth grinding / teeth clenching), tinnitus (ringing in ears), migraines, headaches, and other associated...

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American Medical Association Endorses Spinal Manipulation

American Medical Association Endorses Spinal Manipulation

Chiropractic care is historically based around the health system of spinal manipulation.  Since Chiropractic care is in competition with prescribing medication for the same diagnoses, the AMA has discredited chiropractic, until now. In 2017, the Journal of the...

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Benefits of Prenatal Massage

Benefits of Prenatal Massage

So, you’re pregnant!  Congratulations!  This is one of the happiest times of your life!But if you’re like the majority of pregnant women, you’re experiencing at least some degree of discomfort on a regular basis.  Your body might be aching as it prepares itself for...

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3 Reasons Why You Should be Gifting Massage this Holiday

3 Reasons Why You Should be Gifting Massage this Holiday

The holidays are filled with the joy and excitement of gathering with friends and family, eating delicious food, and spending time together.  While all of that can be fun, it can often be stressful and tiresome when it’s all over.Giving your loved ones the gift of...

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Benefits of Massage for Athletes

Benefits of Massage for Athletes

Athletes have sworn by massage therapy for years, providing anecdotal evidence that massage improves athletic performance. But, there is scientific, peer-reviewed research that proves that massage therapy increases sports performance. This research points to several...

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Expired – Massage Gift Cards on SALE Now!

This Sale Has Ended - Please Keep an Eye Out for Future Sales and Specials Massage Gift Cards on SALE Now! You can purchase a massage gift card online for any of the following services by clicking the link. 55 min Signature Massage - $60 (reg $70) 80 min Signature...

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Jessica Czerwonka – Massage Therapist

  "Hello, my name is Jessica Czerwonka and I graduated the Cortiva Institute of Massage Therapy near Philadelphia, PA in February 2016. Soon after I moved to Denver to pursue my massage career. I found my love for the body when I competed in my first bodybuilding...

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Nina Giardinelli – Massage Therapist

Christina (or Nina) Giardinelli became passionate about massage therapy at a very young age having learned to help ease her mother's asthma attacks by relaxing the respiratory muscles via massage. Over the years she continued to practice massage on friends and family...

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Holly Thiry – Massage Therapist

Hi, my name is Holly Thiry. After almost 20 years as a paralegal, I decided to return to school in 2011 to become a Massage Therapist after greatly benefiting from massage in my own life. I graduated from the Cortiva Institute f/k/a The Chicago School of Massage in...

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Expired – Chiropractic Specials & Packages

2015 Chiropractic Pricing Single Visit Pricing Year of Wellness Member Pricing • 15 min f/u = $45 • 30 min f/u = $60 Non Member Pricing • 15 min f/u = $55 • 30 min f/u = $70 Special Package (offer ends Feb 28th) - $140 (Best Value) • (1) 30 min chiropractic eval and...

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January Workshops

We are pleased to announce a series of Lifestyle Workshops launching in January! Presented by: Dr. Moyer and Master Nutrition Therapist Jessica Paulos Principals of Healthy Living & Nutrition 101 Wednesday, January 7th from 5:45 pm – 6:45 pm Wednesday, January 7th...

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Expired – Fall Skin Therapy Special

  Pumpkin Refresher- $35 for members, $45 for non-members Celebrate the fall and replenish dry summer skin by experiencing the valuable benefits of natural pumpkin extracts-one of nature's most nutritious foods. With superior antioxidants from two of the most...

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Jennifer Swift – Massage Therapist

Jennifer Swift is a Denver native and a Minneapolis re-transplant. She graduated in 2009 from Northwestern Health Sciences University (www.nwhealth.edu) in Bloomington, MN. At Northwestern she studied Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue, Trigger Point Therapy, Pre and...

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ALCAT Food Sensitivity Testing

The Foods that You eat affect how You feel! What works for someone else may not work for you. You can eat an extremely healthy diet and still have inflammation and turmoil in your body. Cut out the guess work to which foods are creating friction in your body through...

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Guided Spring Detoxification Program

This is a safe and guided cleanse that was created by Certified Master Nutrition Therapist Jessica Lee Paulos. The program is 7 days for beginners or 14 days for advanced cleansers. Springtime is the time of the year to focus on nourishing your liver and gallbladder...

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Tips on Grocery Shopping and Meal Planning

Here are some of my favorite tips for grocery shopping and meal planning: Take the time to make a list for the grocery store. This will save you money, time, energy and empty calories. Shop the perimeter of the store first, which is where fruits, vegetables, meats,...

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Private Yoga Session Followed by Massage Looking to find that perfect service to help unwind your computer postural muscles? You found it! We have added a private yoga room to our wellness center. Two of our most requested massage therapists, are yoga certified and...

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Amber Beaudet = Massage Therapist

Aloha, my name is Amber Beaudet and I graduated from Denver School of massage therapy in 2010. I have since then worked in the spa, wellness and chiropractic industry. Along with being a licensed massage therapist I am a chiropractic assistant also. I enjoy assisting...

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Embrace Your Dark Side this Valentine’s Day!

Spend this Valentine’s Day doing what’s good for your heart — eating dark chocolate, of course! Chocolate — the darker the better — really does up your chances of getting lucky. Its serotonin-boosting compounds are especially helpful to women, who tend to have less of...

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Oxygen Skin Therapy Facial

Revitalize and hydrate your skin with a 60 minute Oxygen therapy treatment. This treatment will help even skin tone, lighten pigmentation, improve the appearance of fine lines and rough textures, and refine the skin creating a softer, smoother appearance. Includes...

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Collagen Stimulating Therapy $69.99

Bring life and health to your skin with our 60 minute Collagen Stimulating Therapy. This treatment includes the use of powerful antioxidants designed to remove all unwanted dead skin cells, firm the skin, brighten the skin, provide anti-aging benefits, improve skin...

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Expired – Skin Revival Package $99.99

Stimulating Facial + Microdermabrasion This specialized facial will exfoliate the outer layer of dead skin cells, while stimulating the production of new, healthy cells. With powerful plant and fruit botanic extracts and stimulation therapy, this treatment leaves your...

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Dermaplaning $69.99

This unique method of exfoliation removes dead skin cells, and any unwanted facial hair, using a butter-knife life instrument. Leaves skin glowing and silky smooth. Series available.

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Top 8 Healthy Reasons to Schedule a Massage

Massage is more than just a chance to relax. There are numerous health benefits associated with massage which include everything from curbing headaches to boosting immunity. Take a peek at the Top 8 Healthy Reasons to Schedule a Massage, you might be surprised! 1....

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Massage Therapy Reduces Pain and Inflammation

Recent research studies are consistenly proving the Health Benefits of  Massage Therapy. It is rapidly becoming recognized as a key component in one's health and wellness. While there are numerous health benefits, the focus of today's article is the impact of Massage...

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Acupuncture, Massage and Osteoporosis

A recent study show a positive correlation in bone metabolism through acupuncture and massage.  The reasearch, conducted by the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences is promising, showing another avenue where we can help prevent osteoporosis. Researchers compared...

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Health Benefits of Massage from Oprah.com

Physical contact may lessen depression, lower blood pressure, and even improve immunity according to an article on Oprah.  The article reviewed a study by Cedars-Sinai Medical Center that looks at the links between touch and health. According to the article, "Blood...

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Dangers of Long Term Stress and What You Can do TODAY

Don't let stress put your health at risk! On CBS News, Rebecca Jarvis and Jeff Glor, speak with stress management expert James Porter about the harms of stress and what you can do to take charge of your health and reduce stress. Stress is a natural part of life, but...

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Acupuncture for Low Back Pain

Lower back pain can make everyday tasks significantly more difficult.  Along with alternative therapies like Massage Therapy and Chiropractic Care, Acupuncture can significantly reduce the severity of lower back pain. Below are results from various research and...

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Dr. Phil Endorses Chiropractic TODAY

Daytime talk show host, Dr. Phil, recently shared his personal experience with chiropractors on the Dr. Phil Show this past March.  The renowned clinical psychologist discussed how seeing a chiropractor regularly over the last 14 years has benefited him spiritually,...

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Emotional Stress – Part Two of the Three Forms of Stress

Part one discussed physical stress, a stress on the body that is visible in poor posture or in the form of an injury.  In part two, we will cover emotional stress, which can be just as harmful to your body yet not visibly apparent like physical. According to Dr. Ben...

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4 Feel Good Reasons to get Acupuncture

Self Magazine brings us an article with their 4 Feel Good Reasons to Consider Acupuncture.  Read on to find out just why Acupuncture might be worth it for you! You have lower-back, shoulder, neck or knee pain: According to Lao, there's good evidence that acupuncture...

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Brooke Burke’s Workout Tips

Brooke Burke, the 40 year old "Dancing with the Stars" co-host reveals her new series of workout videos. A mother of 4 with a full time job , we can't wait to hear her secrets.  Watch now on ABC News. video platform video management video solutions video player Ready...

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Exercise for Your Heart Valentine’s Day

This Valentine's Day, take care of your wellness. Dr. Karen Latimer discusses the role of exercise in the health of your heart. <object name="kaltura_player_1328742273" id="kaltura_player_1328742273" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always"...

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How to Stay Motivated and Organized

Author Peter Bregman discusses how to stay organized and motivated. The end result?  Achieving your goals.   Watch now. <object name="kaltura_player_1327334930" id="kaltura_player_1327334930" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always"...

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Massage for Eating Disorder Treatment

Eating disorders are extremely prevalent in the United States. In fact,  according to the National Eating Disorders Association, "in the United States, as many as 10 million females and 1 million males are fighting a life and death battle with an eating disorder such...

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Simple Tips to Be Happy and Be Healthy

Achieving happiness and healthiness can often feel like a daunting feat or yet another task on the to-do list. Ironically, this perspective is what limits us from actually achieving happiness or healthiness. We intimidate ourselves and can easily convince ourselves to...

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7 Winter Superfoods

On ABC's Healthy Living, registered dietitian and personal trainer, Robin Barrie Kaiden takes us into the top 7 winter superfoods. During this time of year our bodies are battling flu season, cold weather and facing a higher consumption of unhealthy holiday foods....

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Avoiding Holiday Stress

The Holiday Season can be one of the most wonderful times of the year. However, it can also be extremely stressful. This Healthy Living segment gives us tips on how to avoid stress during the holidays and enjoy this season. video platformvideo managementvideo...

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Weight Training for Women

According to Jessica Matthews from the American Council on Exercise, "Many women have the misconception that strength training will add big, bulky mass." On the contrary, weight training is one of women's best secret allis. It can increase your metabolic rate,...

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Happy Halloween from Moyer Wellness!

Trick or Treat! There is no treat like taking care of yourself. Have a wonderful Halloween from Moyer Wellness and Massage Denver. We are always here for you and your natural health care needs. We offer massage therapy, chiropractic care, acupuncture, nutrition...

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Massage Therapy- a Great Stress Relief!

Experts from WebMD recently listed massage therapy as one of the top remedies for stress relief, but their panel of experts were quick to point to research that shows massage therapy can be effective for a variety of conditions, including high blood pressure and other...

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More hospitals offering alternative therapy services

By Duke Helfand, Los Angeles TimesSeptember 8, 2011 Growing numbers of U.S. hospitals, responding to patient demand, are integrating acupuncture, massage therapy and other alternative services into their conventional medical care, a new national survey shows....

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Effective alternative health remedies

Every year 38 million Americans try alternative therapies such as acupuncture and chiropractic treatments. How helpful are those and other alternative treatments? Consumer Reports’ survey of its readers found that hands-on treatments such as chiropractic and...

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Prescription for Happiness (and Health)

Let’s say there’s a new medication that could make you live longer, feel more positive, and improve your overall quality of life. It’s an elixir that doesn’t have side effects. It’s effective. And it doesn’t cost a penny. It’s out there. Really. It goes by many names...

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Chiropractic Care Outperforms Prescription Medicine

Every year 38 million Americans try alternative therapies such as acupuncture and chiropractic treatments. How helpful are those and other alternative treatments? Consumer Reports' survey of its readers found that hands-on treatments such as chiropractic and...

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Desk Job Causing You Pain? Try Massage Therapy

Do you sit at a desk all day staring at your computer, talking on the phone, and dealing with stress-related issues? If so, by the end of the day, you probably feel exhausted and can't wait to get home. By the end of the week, you're stiff, achy, and possibly a little...

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Massage: More Than Just Relaxation

For some, the notion of a massage conjures up images of spas smelling of lavender, or a special treat the rich get to enjoy to enhance a nap. Though these images are representative of the experience of some, there are massage techniques that can do a world of...

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6 Healthy Habits For Living Longer

Do you eat breakfast every day? Do you always take the stairs? Whatever your daily habits are, there’s no denying that they impact your health. Even though the things we do as part of our daily routines might seem small, over time the small things can add up. So, by...

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Are you toxic? Cleansing is your solution.

Since Biblical times, people have been fasting and cleansing for many reasons including better health, disease recovery, spiritual enlightenment and political protest. However, in our day and age the most people are not educated on the health benefits fasting and...

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The Role of Massage in Your Training Plan

Massage was once widely regarded as a form of pampering for society's upper crust, but no more. While many Americans may still envision little more than the spirited kneading of an oiled, horizontal body, thousands of others—including scads of distance runners—have...

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Denver Chiropractor

Testimonial from Cari Levy, MD – Colorado Board Certified Internist “I first tried chiropractic because I felt something was out of place in my neck. After receiving regular chiropractic care, I soon realized that my migraine medication began piling up in my medicine...

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Massage 101: The World Of Touch

With more than 200 variations of massage, how do you know what's what, and what's best for you? By Carol Sorgen WebMD Weight Loss Clinic - Feature Reviewed By Brunilda Nazario Almost anyone -- from infants to seniors -- can enjoy the benefits of a good massage....

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Amazing Relaxation Massage in Denver!

2/1/2011 I've never had a massage before and I can't believe I've waited SO long! I had my first massage with Ceily and she was just amazing! I've been back twice now and can't wait to go again! She does such a wonderful job and is a great balance between chatting...

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Fantastic Massage

Don ‎ - Jan 19, 2011 Donna was my massage therapist and she was amazing. My neck, upper back and shoulders were really stiff with lots of knots, and she worked them out. My neck was no longer sore after the visit. Moyer Wellness also has other valuable services that...

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Total Wellness!

Jan 13, 2011 Moyer Total Wellness has much to offer . Their massage therapy is a fantastic way to remove stress, chiropractic care puts back pain at ease, and nutritional personal wellness plans to manage Fibromyalgia symptoms and lose weight naturally. The beauty of...

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Great massage, great chiropractor!

Oct 28, 2010 Got a few massages here and will continue. Helping my herniated disc issues and giving me professional treatments and advice seems to come easily for them. Surprising these days! I am going to the fitness trainer and after 4 weeks looking and feeling sooo...

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Best chiropractor in Denver

Oct 26, 2010 As a fellow Doctor of Chiropractic, I can personally attest to the fact that Dr. Moyer truely raises the bar when it comes to patient care. Dr. Moyer has been my personal Chiropractor for the past five years and has leant me his expertise in many...

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Great Massage Therapist

Aug 26, 2010 This was my first time to visit Moyer Total Wellness for a massage. I was greeted as soon as I walked through the door and was treated very nicely the whole time. The massage was one of the best that I have ever had. Normally I don't rebook my massages...

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Great Massage Therapists!

Jun 19, 2010 My wife took me to get a massage one weekend. It was great. My therapist listened to my needs, the staff was helpful and the place was very clean and welcoming. I would recommend Moyer to anyone looking for a great place to relax and get a great massage....

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Therapeutic massage in Denver!

Jun 16, 2010 so grateful i had an enjoyable massage. I came in with a body that was a mess that needed attention to leaving with noticinge the focal points for self care. I was so appreciative of my therapist hard work and focus as she worked on me. I was greatful to...

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The Ultimate Massage in Denver!

May 20, 2010 The Ultimate Massage!  This is a service where they combine chiropractic and massage into one service. I was traveling and and hurt my back. Fortunately, I found Moyer Total Wellness and they were located right next to my hotel. I went in bent over and...

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Amazing Massage Therapy

May 13, 2010 Awesome. Great place - my massage therapist was amazing. I also met with Dr. Moyer about my back and he was great. I love this place and it's easy to get to right on Colorado & 25. A+

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Mayo Clinic Recommends Massage Therapy

Massage: Get in touch with its many health benefits A soothing massage can help you unwind, but that's not all. Explore the possible health benefits that massage therapy has to offer. By Mayo Clinic staff Massage is no longer available only through luxury spas and...

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Computer Related Postural Disorder

The physical stress of sitting at a computer typically causes certain muscles to become chronically shortened.  Over time, this postural stress pulls the head, neck, and shoulders out of proper position.  Even sitting at a computer for only a few hours a day can lead...

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Getting a Massage While Pregnant

Prenatal Massage is the most under-rated method for helping women during their pregnancies. Getting a massage while pregnant can reduce stress and relieve pain associated with muscle tension. Additionally, research shows that massage can improve lymph drainage (reduce...

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Sarah Tolve – Massage Therapist & Personal Trainer

Greetings!  I’m Sarah, an experienced massage therapist & personal fitness trainer at Moyer Total Wellness.In addition to delivering a fantastic deep tissue/sports massage, I motivate, mentor, and teach my clients how to strengthening the body, mind, and spirit...

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Muscle Group of the Week: Anterior Forearm Compartment

Muscle Group of the Week: Anterior Forearm Compartment

Your anterior forearm compartment consists of three muscular layers.  The superficial layer includes the flexor carpi ulnaris, palmaris longus, flexor carpi radialis, and pronator teres.  Below that is the intermediate layer, which consists of one muscle called the...

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Assisted Stretching: New 30-Minute Service!

Assisted Stretching: New 30-Minute Service!

Moyer Total Wellness is now offering assisted stretching!  Our new 30-minute service is designed to: Improve muscular flexibility Increase joint range of motion Enhance physical performance Reduce risk of injury Improve posture Boost blood circulation Promote...

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Muscle Group of the Week: Triceps

Muscle Group of the Week: Triceps

Found on the dorsal side of the upper arm, the three-headed triceps muscle is the antagonist of the biceps brachii on the front of the upper arm; meaning, the actions of the two muscle groups oppose one another.  While the biceps are responsible for forearm flexion,...

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Muscle Group of the Week: Quadriceps

Muscle Group of the Week: Quadriceps

The quadriceps femoris – known as the quadriceps extensors, quads, or the quadriceps – is a group of four different muscles on the anterior thigh.  Quadriceps femoris is a Latin term that translates to “four-headed muscle of the femur.  The most superficial of the...

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Muscle Group of the Week: Calves

Muscle Group of the Week: Calves

The posterior lower leg consists of two main calf muscles known as the gastrocnemius and the soleus.Superficial to the soleus, the gastrocnemius is a two-headed muscle running from the posterior surface of the calcaneus (heel bone) up into the femoral condyles just...

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Muscle Group of the Week: Deltoids

Muscle Group of the Week: Deltoids

Located where the upper arm meets the torso, the deltoids are one of the most complex muscle groups in your body.  Made up of three parts, your deltoids have an anterior, middle, and posterior section which all offer their own contributions to your body’s functioning....

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Trigger Points and Referral Pain

Trigger Points and Referral Pain

You’re receiving a deep tissue massage.  So far, you’ve experienced a good hurt with each heavy glide from your massage therapist.  It’s been an overall relaxing session… and then suddenly you feel a sharp pain radiating from your shoulder blade, down your arm, and...

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Treating Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Treating Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

The thoracic outlet, located in your upper chest area, is what the narrow space between your collarbone (clavicle) and your first rib is called.  Inside this thoracic outlet lies the brachial plexus, which is a network of nerves and blood vessels that send messages...

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Crossed Syndromes Part 2: Lower Cross

Crossed Syndromes Part 2: Lower Cross

In Crossed Syndromes Part 1: Upper Cross Syndrome the human body was described as an amazing system that is always adapting to its environment.  The innate ability to adjust is a lifesaving instinct, preparing us for the constant natural changes that take place in our...

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What is Spondylosis?

What is Spondylosis?

Your spine is your body’s central support structure, and a healthy spine is crucial to one’s well-being.  Practicing good posture and proper body mechanics can keep your spine strong and mobile, lessening the risk of wear and tear on its discs, joints, and bones. But...

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Chiropractic Maintenance Care

Chiropractic Maintenance Care

What is Maintenance Care? Chiropractic maintenance care is a long-term strategy for musculoskeletal pain management. It involves receiving care after acute episodes of pain with the intention of preventing future episodes, reducing the amount of time when/if future...

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Post-Surgery Massage Part 2: Breast Augmentation

Post-Surgery Massage Part 2: Breast Augmentation

Whether for medical purposes or strictly for enhancing one’s appearance, breast augmentation is the most popular type of cosmetic plastic surgery in the US.  Regardless of why the procedure is performed, all types of breast augmentation surgery are followed by...

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Is Posture Important?

Is Posture Important?

Do you work a desk job? Do you find yourself sitting for long periods of time? Do you frequently have long commutes in your vehicle? Do you look down at your phone for hours? Do you find yourself feeling stiff or sore towards the end of the day? You may be suffering...

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Waking up With Neck Pain

Waking up With Neck Pain

Did you wake up with a stiff and painful neck this morning? Can you barely turn your head and all that happened was you went to sleep? Are you finding that you have to turn your entire body in order to look over your shoulder? Did you recently travel and sleep on a...

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Pumpkin Pancakes: A Healthy Seasonal Breakfast

Pumpkin Pancakes: A Healthy Seasonal Breakfast

Our colorful Colorado autumn is creeping into its cold crisp winter.  Seeing as fall and winter are the socially acceptable seasons for pumpkin consumption, I’ve thrown together my own pumpkin pancake recipe just for you!  Have yourself a delicious seasonal breakfast...

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Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

Do you have shoulder pain? Does it get worse when you lift your arm out to the side or when you twist your arm? Has it been making it difficult to carry different items or perform different tasks at work? You might have what’s called shoulder impingement syndrome!...

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Types of Pain Part 4: Joint Pain

Types of Pain Part 4: Joint Pain

If you read the first part of this quadrilogy titled Types of Pain Part 1: Bone Pain, you may be expecting some overlapping information in this piece regarding joint pain.  This is true, as joint issues can eventually travel from their site where the bones meet and...

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What to Expect from Your Myofascial Release Session

What to Expect from Your Myofascial Release Session

Although Myofascial Release (MFR) is a form of bodywork with similarities to massage, it is unique in fundamental ways. For this reason, I will take the guesswork out of it for you and outline what you can expect from an MFR session here at Moyer Total Wellness....

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Why Myofascial Release Works

Why Myofascial Release Works

When I tell you that everything in the body is connected, I'm not being hyperbolic. Fascia literally (and I don't mean that metaphorically) connects everything in the body through a complex matrix of tissues that distributes force, transfers fluids, and exchanges...

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The Fundamentals of Fascia

The Fundamentals of Fascia

When I search for a photo of fascia, nearly every result is of the muscular system. This coincides with our dissection history in which the superficial fascia was peeled away in order to study the deeper structures. Only recently have we started to study and...

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What is a Lipoma?

What is a Lipoma?

Lipomas are fatty deposits that grow in soft body tissues.  They are the most common soft body tissue tumor, and they usually develop in adults between ages 40 and 60. Don’t let word tumor scare you, though.  These slow-growing lumps are almost always benign and...

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ACL Injury Part 3: A Risk for Adolescent Female Soccer Players

ACL Injury Part 3: A Risk for Adolescent Female Soccer Players

In ACL Injury Part 1 and ACL Injury Part 2, we discussed prevention and treatment options for tears and sprains to the anterior cruciate ligament.  In both articles, high risk activities were also briefly mentioned.  Basketball players, with their constant fast-paced...

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Thai Massage for Athletes

Thai Massage for Athletes

What exactly is a Thai massage? Thai massage is like a combination of assisted yoga and a compressive massage.  It’s a specialized modality in which a massage therapist uses therapeutic stretching and compression techniques. While Thai massage offers many of the same...

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The Benefits of Corporate Chair Massage

The Benefits of Corporate Chair Massage

About a year ago, I wrote an article about workplace wellness.  This was back in the earlier days of the pandemic, so it focused on how to promote physical and emotional health while adhering to new sanitary restrictions. But now, things are returning to a new...

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Intraoral Massage: The TMJ Massage

Intraoral Massage: The TMJ Massage

Have you ever heard of TMJ dysfunction? The TMJ, which is short for temporomandibular joint, is a facial joint that conjoins your temporal bone to your mandible.  Or in layman terms, it connects the jawbone to the skull. If you experience pain or reduced mobility in...

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Preventing Falls and Related Injuries

Preventing Falls and Related Injuries

Did you know that every second of every day, an older adult suffers a fall-related injury?  Falls are the leading cause of injury among seniors, and the consequences can range from mild to debilitating.  Approximately three million elders are sent to emergency rooms...

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Pain vs Discomfort While Working Out

Pain vs Discomfort While Working Out

Is it pain, or is it discomfort?  This is a question you may ask yourself when you feel a burn in your core while performing a basic plank.  Well, maybe you haven’t asked yourself that question word for word.  But you possibly may have wondered, perhaps while feeling...

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What Is the Best Massage for Headaches

What Is the Best Massage for Headaches

So many types of headaches, and so many hate-able traits for each one of them.  The sensitivity to light and sound brought on by migraines.  The aching pressure from tension headaches.  The facial pain of a sinus headache.  The swelling and sweating caused by cluster...

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What is Reflexology?

What is Reflexology?

Sometimes called reflexotherapy, reflexology is a traditional Chinese healing method that dates back 5,000 years.  It involves applying pressure to specific points on the feet and hands.  And sometimes on the ears, too!  The idea is that each pressure point correlates...

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Massage for Migraines

Massage for Migraines

Of all the many kinds of abhorrent headaches, the migraine is the most sinister.  They can make a gleam of light seem blinding, and the slightest noise sound explosive. While there are many ways to treat migraines, massage is one of the more natural and safe...

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Does Spinal Manipulation Work?

Does Spinal Manipulation Work?

What is spinal manipulation?  How does it work?  Is it effective?  These are common questions I, a massage therapist, hear often from curious patients. Spinal manipulation is a procedure most commonly used by chiropractors, but can also be performed by osteopaths and...

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What Is the Difference Between Heat and Ice Therapy?

What Is the Difference Between Heat and Ice Therapy?

Depending on what time of year it is, you probably love one of these guys and hate the other. But regardless of who you hate at this given moment, both heat and ice therapy comes with year-round health benefits!  Some of their benefits overlap, while others are unique...

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Hot Stone: The Ideal Winter Massage

Hot Stone: The Ideal Winter Massage

It’s winter, yay!  I just checked Denver’s weather predictions and it appears your weekend looks nothing like mine in San Diego! I won’t rub it in anymore, sorry. So, you’re cold, cranky, and you don’t want to leave your bed.  Your skin might be crackly, due to...

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Achilles Tendinitis

Achilles Tendinitis

Did you know that the Achilles tendon is the longest and largest tendon in the entire human body?  If you don’t think that’s cool enough, it’s also the strongest tendon in the human body!  Seriously, that thing can tolerate more than a thousand pounds of pressure. ...

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What is Myofascial Release Therapy?

What is Myofascial Release Therapy?

What is myofascial release therapy?  If you’ve heard of it before, you may know that it’s often used in sports massage and has similarities to deep tissue massage. However, if you do your reading on myofascial release, you may notice the words gentle pressure come up...

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Why You Should Get a Face Massage

Why You Should Get a Face Massage

Oh, massage modalities!  There are so many of them!  You have deep tissue massage, Swedish massage, lymphatic drainage…all that good stuff, and more! Now, when you hear the term facial massage, what category do you think the technique falls under?  If you’ve never had...

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What is Runner’s Knee?

What is Runner’s Knee?

The term runner’s knee might sound as straightforward as it gets.  Clearly, you’re probably thinking, it must be an unfortunate condition that plagues the knees of people who run too much.  But really, that’s a semi inaccurate definition of runner’s knee.  In fact,...

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Gift a Massage for a Happy Holiday

Gift a Massage for a Happy Holiday

The holidays are coming!  While holidays are often described as warm and merry, the weeks leading up to them can be tense and stressful.  And as if there weren’t enough causes for holiday stress, we can now add covid and canceled flights to the list. Ok, so now you...

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The Best Massage for Runners and When to Get Them

The Best Massage for Runners and When to Get Them

Are you, or is somebody you know, a runner?  Good for you and/or them!  Cardiovascular exercise keeps your blood flowing, your muscles growing, and your mind happy! But while your brain and heart are feeling great, your leg muscles might be a little rough.  Haggard...

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Oncology Massage

Oncology Massage

Oncology massage is a customized therapy for patients who have been diagnosed with cancer.  All patients have unique cases, with many undergoing chemotherapy and others opting for palliative care.  The amounts of physical and mental stress vary from person to person,...

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The Webster Technique

The Webster Technique

How does the Webster Technique successfully correct a breech position? The Webster Technique, which involves sacral evaluation and varied adjustments, is a popular chiropractic procedure for women with pregnancy complaints.  While recommended to treat any...

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At Home Massage Tools: Using a Car Buffer for Self-Massage

At Home Massage Tools: Using a Car Buffer for Self-Massage

In my previous article titled At-Home Massage Tools: The Rolling Pin, I told you all the secrets that are hiding in your kitchen drawer.  This time, I want to tell you about the secret that might be hiding in your garage! So, let’s reiterate the common predicament...

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Working Out in Summer Heat

Working Out in Summer Heat

Does the idea of working out in summer heat just make you hate summer?  Even though Colorado is home to the most gorgeous hiking trails ever, your desire for coolness might outweigh all that mountainous glory.  So sad.  Exercising while admiring nature is the ultimate...

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Tips for Meal Prep

Tips for Meal Prep

The concept of meal prepping sounds pretty nice, but do you find it a little inconvenient?  You’d sure like an avocado kale salad with red onions and a bunch of other things that need to be finely chopped… but you’re hungry now.  That angry kind of hungry.  Hangry. ...

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Comfortable Clothing for Your Health

Comfortable Clothing for Your Health

The state is reopening little by little!  People are going back to work and we can support our favorite businesses again! But, as I’ve mentioned in previous articles, many businesses are going to continue to struggle for at least a little bit longer.  One of those...

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Sunshine and Coronavirus

Sunshine and Coronavirus

Have you gotten your day’s worth of vitamin D yet?  Assuming Denver isn’t being weird and having a late spring snowstorm, all you need to do is step outside!  Let that sunshine fall on your face and sink that precious vitamin into your skin! “Nah, I’m good,” you may...

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The Healing Power of Turmeric

The Healing Power of Turmeric

Oh, the versatility of turmeric!  It can be boiled into tea, blended into curry, or washed down as a supplement.  Whether it’s a raw root, a powdered spice, or a capsule; this brownish-orange superfood is some pretty powerful stuff! Turmeric has been used for...

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The Healing Power of Garlic

The Healing Power of Garlic

Oh, garlic.  The onion’s small papery cousin.  Potent, delicious, and packed with healthful benefits, this is one superb little herb! Everybody knows about garlic’s potency and deliciousness, but its medicinal uses should be equally as known as its other traits. ...

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Pandemic 101: Keeping Your Distance

Pandemic 101: Keeping Your Distance

Until recently, we’ve all been encouraged to spend more time outside and less time on our electronic devices.  Now we’re having a pandemic and are encouraged to do the opposite.  How hard can that be?  We’ve got Netflix, we’ve got phones on which we can watch Netflix,...

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Illness Prevention: A Brief Look at Handwashing

Illness Prevention: A Brief Look at Handwashing

As a massage therapist, I hear it all the time- “Your hands must be so soft because of all the lotion you use!” While the lotion helps, the truth is we are constantly washing our hands, so the lotion only goes so far! Like all medical professionals, we wash our hands...

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Taking Control of Your Habits: Part 1

Taking Control of Your Habits: Part 1

Are you tired of New Year's resolutions? Do you wonder if you'll ever accomplish permanent habit change? I've been reading a book titled Atomic Habits by James Clear, which reveals the inner gears of a habit, details how to effectively break down old unhelpful habits...

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Chiropractic Care for Tension Headaches

Chiropractic Care for Tension Headaches

Tension headaches can takeover your day.  The pounding pain, the overwhelming ache, and the inability to rid of a headache can impact your work, your day to day activities and can even result in you missing out on events that you otherwise would have enjoyed. Learn...

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A Pain in the Neck and How Your Posture Affects It

A Pain in the Neck and How Your Posture Affects It

It can be achy, dull, sharp, tingly, burning, throbbing, diffuse, persistent, and even meld into a headache or jaw pain. Yet despite the differences, many people are in the same boat as rates of reported neck pain continue to increase. Poor Posture Sitting at a Desk...

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Does Icing an Injury Heal or Harm?

Does Icing an Injury Heal or Harm?

Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevate. Since the 70's R.I.C.E. has been the athlete's guide to recovery, but in recent years it has come under intense scientific scrutiny. Dr. Mirkin himself, the man who coined the acronym, has since updated his position on the effects of...

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Does a Relaxation Massage “Count”?

Does a Relaxation Massage “Count”?

Relax! Easier said than done right? You've got a job that never sleeps, kids that don't either, and you still haven't made it to the gym this week. Neither words like "stress" nor "relaxation" mean anything to you anymore. A massage is a luxury you just don't have the...

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What Are the Benefits of CBD?

What Are the Benefits of CBD?

Ah, CBD.  The calming property of cannabis, the sane brother of the THC. These days, it seems you can find CBD (or cannabidiol, if you want more syllables) in just about anything.  Lotions, candy, soda, dog treats…anything.  If you go to a cafe, the barista will...

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3 Easy and Healthy Breakfast Recipes

3 Easy and Healthy Breakfast Recipes

Most people can benefit from eating 4 meals a day, with about 20-30 grams of protein per meal, including a snack.  Some people need only 3 meals, others 5-6 meals per day.  Here are 3 recipes for breakfast, which are balanced, tasty and fairly quick to make! Meal...

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The Stressors We Keep Part 1:  How Physical Stress Impacts Us

The Stressors We Keep Part 1: How Physical Stress Impacts Us

One day Sherry walked into Bessel van der Kolk's psychiatry office with shoulders slumped and scabs on her forearms. She had experienced childhood and adulthood trauma, and had developed the habit of picking at her skin to distract from feeling numb. Her life was...

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How to Heal with Essential Oils

How to Heal with Essential Oils

Oh, the versatility of essential oils!  You can ingest them, inhale them, apply them to your skin and hair, and they provide a wide range of benefits to your overall health no matter how you choose to use them!  While essential oils have been used for more than 5,000...

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How Many Times Should I Eat Per Day?

How Many Times Should I Eat Per Day?

Most people think they should eat about 3 meals per day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  It's just like most people think you should drink eight 8 oz glasses of water a day.  But, every person is their own unique person.  We are different sizes, we use our bodies...

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Upper Cross Syndrome

Upper Cross Syndrome

Upper Cross Syndrome is the most common postural fault and it causes a lot of symptoms. Most people sit too much (at a computer) and do not use their body as they should. We are not built to sit, when we do, certain muscles get tight, and certain muscles get weak....

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Are You Drinking Enough Water?

Are You Drinking Enough Water?

Summer is now in full swing which means we need to be extra diligent with our water intake. We lose water every day and when we fail to replenish our water supply, we not only experience discomfort, but we also miss out on many of the health benefits that proper water...

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Why Sitting All Day Is Bad for Your Health

Why Sitting All Day Is Bad for Your Health

As a Doctor of Chiropractic, I am very concerned with the sitting posture. I would imagine that most of the readers of this article are at their computer or staring into their phones, right now, just like everyone else. It is estimated that the average US adult sits...

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What Are The Benefits of Massage Therapy?

What Are The Benefits of Massage Therapy?

“Aaaahhhhhhh” If you’ve had a massage before, you know what I mean. You already know how relaxing they are. Even deep, therapeutic, firm massages leave a person in a relaxed state. The benefits of massage therapy have been well documented through scientific research...

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Calf Strain

Calf Strain

So, you tore your calf muscle, now what? Tearing the fibers in your calf can be quite painful. It can happen to anyone. However, weekend warriors in their 40’s-50’s are more likely to tear a calf. People are particularly susceptible when starting a new seasonal...

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Essentials of Fitness Part 3: Flexibility

Essentials of Fitness Part 3: Flexibility

As was mentioned in the previous blogs and will be mentioned in the blog after this one, there are four different essentials of fitness.  They are: strength, cardio, flexibility and balance.  A well rounded routine is going to address all four aspects.  All of the...

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Your Own Monthly Fitness Challenge

Your Own Monthly Fitness Challenge

What is a monthly fitness challenge? There isn’t really a dictionary definition, but it is exactly what it sounds like it is.  At Moyer Total Wellness, we staff members participate in a new fitness challenge every month -- and you’re invited to come join us!  Everyone...

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The Lonely Muscle Part 1: Subscapularis

The Lonely Muscle Part 1: Subscapularis

The lonely muscle.  The muscle nobody likes to talk about.  The muscle that so badly needs to be massaged but nobody wants to be anywhere near it. I’m talking about your subscapularis; that one muscle in your rotator cuff that likes to hide under your shoulder blade...

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Why Acupuncture for Pain Relief Beats Opiates

Why Acupuncture for Pain Relief Beats Opiates

The Problem with PharmaceuticalsBetween 1999 and 2014, over 60% of the drug overdoses in the United States were related to opioid use, including both opioid pain relievers prescribed by doctors and heroin. A crisis, epidemic, or both, health care practitioners and...

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Beyond Fluff n’ Stuff – The Therapeutic Benefits of Heat

Beyond Fluff n’ Stuff – The Therapeutic Benefits of Heat

When you hear "Hot Stone Massage", what images come to mind? For many, it is a classic scene- a couple lying the beach, gently draped in a crisp white towel, eyes serenely closed, a row of perfect, with dark stones cascading down their spine. This picturesque,...

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Chronic Back Pain and Chiropractic Care

Chronic Back Pain and Chiropractic Care

Chronic back pain can be a source of stress and anxiety.  Stress and anxiety have a negative effect on all body systems. Spinal manipulation can effectively treat and manage chronic back pain according to The Journal of the American Medical Association.  Reducing...

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Yoga: Medicine for the Seasonal Flu

Yoga: Medicine for the Seasonal Flu

Yoga is a great way to restore balance to your body. There’s no better time to practice than during flu season.  Seasonal flu is most active from December to February.  Starting a regular yoga practice this month can help you battle the flu season to come. Infections...

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Expired – Summer Special – Yogassage and Thai Massage

Come try our Yogassage or Thai Massage at Moyer Total Wellness this Summer! Yogassage is an 80 minutes service that begins with a 25 minute private yoga session to determine areas of tension followed up by our Award Winning 55 minute Signature Massage. Thai Massage is...

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Expired – Year of Wellness Membership

The Year of Wellness begins by purchasing one of the following packages*: (5) 1-hr Signature Massages – $280 (saves $70) (10) 1-hr Signature Massages – $490 (saves $210) (5) 1.5-hr Signature Massages – $400 (saves $100) (10) 1.5-hr Signature Massages – $700 (saves...

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Hannah Chase – Massage Therapist

My name is Hannah and I am eager to help you on your path to wellness! I am currently practicing as a Massage Therapist as well as a Teacher’s Assistant for Anatomy, Physiology, & Pathology. Born & raised in Los Angeles, California, I then attended Michigan...

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Liz Aeschbacher – Masssage Therapist

As a seventh year nationally board certified and licensed massage therapist, my specialties include trigger point, deep tissue, Swedish, sports, Thai, body mobilization and myofascial release. Additionally, I practice hot and cold massage as well as aromatherapy. I am...

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Microdermabrasion is $79.99 Microdermabrasion is the concept of mechanically abrading and exfoliating the skin and removing the top layer of dead skin cells and sun damage. This 30 minute procedure creates cellular turnover, collagen stimulation and increased...

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Susan Florczak – Massage Therapist

Susan “Su” Florczak, LMT, NCTMB Su has been providing therapeutic massage for over 14 years. She received her training at Florida School of Massage in Gainesville, Florida where she also obtained certification as a Sports Massage Therapist. At the Florida School of...

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Expired – Lifestyle Program

Are you ready to make some changes to vitalize your health and enhance your lifestyle? Enroll in the 1 month Lifestyle Program that is guided by Master Nutrition Therapist Jessica Paulos. There will be a strong focus on: reading labels, grocery shopping, meal...

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Moyer Wellness wins 5280 Top Massage

Moyer Total Wellness was selected by the editor's of 5280 Magazine as the Top Massage in Denver for 2014. Unlike previous years, where our clients have voted us "Best Massage in Denver", this was a total surprise for us. We were "Secret Shopped" this summer by one of...

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Erica Armstrong – Massage Therapist

  Hi, my name is Erica Armstrong, I graduated from Denver School of Massage Therapy in 2010. I am the oldest of 5 siblings so I have always had a nurturing side. That's part of the reason I became a Massage Therapist. I want to be able to help my clients any way...

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Healthy Living Workshop

The Healthy Living Workshop Tuesday May 20th from 5:45 p.m – 6:45 p.m. Join Certified Master Nutrition Therapist Jessica Lee Paulos and Dr. Moyer for this workshop that combines the fundamentals of healthy eating along with lifestyle tips and tools to pave a path...

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Chemicals 101

Being a smart consumer these days is extremely important. One of the first things you should know is how to read labels and why. The skin is the largest organ of the body and as much as 60% of what you apply to it topically will enter into it. The two BIG ingredients...

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Dr. Rather, DC – Myofascial Pain Specialist

Dr. Rather is no longer with our practice.   Dr. Moyer and Dr. Wesley are available to see you.  Please call (303) 756-9355 for fast pain relief. We are currently offering a chiropractic + massage therapy special.  For only $139, you can schedule a 45 minute initial...

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Massage Therapist – Ann Ramos LMT

  Ann Ramos - Licensed Massage Therapist Ann was born and raised in Fenton Michigan, the youngest of 11 children.  During her senior year of high school, she STARTed teaching group exercise classes which inspired her to  pursue education in health and fitness. ...

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Posture: Are You Making a Good First Impression?

I recently read an article on Yahoo "Shine" in which the gist of the article talked about how to make make a good first impression....the tagline is what lured me in..."how people judge you". I thought the entire article was good, but I was really glad to read the...

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Kim Walker – Massage Therapist

Kim graduated in 2005 from The Boulder College of Massage Therapy 1000 hour certification course and has been doing massage full time since. She is highly trained in various healing modalities including Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Release, Zen Shiatsu, and Core...

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Extreme Anti-aging Package $99.99

Active Facial + Chemical Peel Our Extreme Anti-aging Therapy will resurface the skin while improving tone, texture, and smoothness by removing dull, dead cells and reducing the appearance of fine lines, pore size, blemishes, and unwanted pigment. This treatment is...

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Microdermabrasion $69.99

Exfoliates the outer layer of dead skin cells, while stimulating the production of new, healthy cells. This treatment leaves your skin with a smoother texture and polished finish.

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The Long Term Effects of Stress

Mayo Clinic outlines the damaging and harmful effects of stress, and the steps you can take to reduce stress and achieve optimal wellness. The long-term activation of the stress-response system — and the subsequent overexposure to cortisol and other stress hormones —...

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Happy Memorial Day from Moyer Total Wellness

Thank you to the countless men and women who have served and sacrificed for this country.  Here at Moyer Total Wellness we extend our endless gratitude and wish you and yours a wonderful Memorial Day. Want to treat the ones you love?  Give them the gift of massage to...

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Moyer Total Wellness Helps Pass Colorado Wellness Law!

Dr. Moyer of Moyer Total Wellness, contributed key medical testimony that helped pass the Colorado Wellness Law which bans trans fats in Colorado Schools. This is an incredible step forward to improve the wellness of our nation, the health of our children, and in...

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Study Shows Secret to Weight Loss is Not Fad Diet

Looking to lose weight?  A recent study has shown that the secret to weight loss is a combination of eating less foods in saturated fat, exercising more and joining a weight loss program.  The study also presented evidence that diet pills, fad diets, and liquid diets...

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Post Cancer Guidelines Unveiled

For the first time, the American Cancer Society on Thursday published formal guidelines for cancer survivors, focusing on the health benefits of maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, and eating a healthy diet. The guidelines are published online in CA:...

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Massage Health Benefits Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic discusses the most popular types of massage and the benefits associated with Massage Therapy. There are many different types of massage, including these common types: Swedish massage. This is a gentle form of massage that uses long strokes, kneading, deep...

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Janet Jackson’s New Slim Figure

Janet Jackson recently reveals her new weight loss and what she says is the cause behind her new healthy change. video platform video management video solutions video player Moyer Total Wellness can help you achieve your ideal weight and assist with overall wellness...

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Is Sugar a Toxin?

Dr. Sanjay Gupta discusses recent research that shows that sugar may not just contribute to weight gain, but that it can also take a dramatic toll on our health. He discusses the issue with Dr. Robert Lustig who believes that sugar is actually a toxin and that large...

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Physical Stress – Part One of The Three Forms of Stress

A 2010 survey conducted by the APA showed "that the majority of Americans are living with moderate or high levels of stress". Stress can present itself in one (or more) of three forms: Physical Stress, Emotional Stress, and/or Chemical Stress.   Physical Stress The...

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Allergy Season is Just Around the Corner

Allergy season is around the corner! ABCNews brings you why yours may act up more this year and the best ways to prevent and treat your allergies. video platform video management video solutions video player Want to help boost your immunity? Proper nutrition, fitness,...

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Chiropractic Care & Exercise More Influential than Drugs

Dr. Mercola recently wrote an article centered around a study that illustrated that chiropractic care and exercise are better than drugs. Article at a Glance: Medication is typically not the best option for treating neck pain. According to a new study, those who used...

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Denver Chiropractic Membership

Become a Chiropractic Member with Moyer Total Wellness. Receive the effective benefits of Chiropractic care at a reduced and affordable rate. Chiropractic care has multiple health benefits that all work to improve overall wellness.  Continual care constantly maintains...

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Massage and ADHD

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is becoming more and more prevalent as a diagnosis in today's youth.  The most common treatment is typically medication.  While beneficial, medication comes with side effects and can be more extreme depending on the...

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Expired – 2012 Sunday Massage Special only $44

Moyer Total Wellness is open Sundays from 9am - 8pm. Book a 1-hr Signature Massage any Sunday in 2012 for only $44. Upgrade to a 1.5 hr massage for only $19 more. Upgrade to a  Hot Stone Massage for only $15 more. Moyer Total Wellness finished Runner-Up our of 220...

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Massage and Immunity

Massage can be beneficial to relax the body, mind, and soul.  It can ease tension in your muscles and provide rejuvenation in your day.  In turn, massage is increasing the levels of dopamine (a neurotransmitter that helps control the brain's reward and pleasure...

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Lack of Movement and your Health

We all know lack of exercise can contribute to health problems. But even with exercise, sitting for too long can significantly impact your health. In fact sitting 6+ hours a day increases your risk of death by 40%. That is, individuals that sit over 6 hours a day are...

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Health and Wellness Through the Holidays

Do you get stressed just thinking about the holidays? Join us to discuss how to enjoy holiday parties, family dinners and your hectic schedule-stress free and without gaining weight.    Nov 2nd- Establishing Healthy Eating Patterns Nov 9th- Daily Stretching...

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Weight Loss and Gain During the Holiday Season

Halloween is only days away and the holiday season is right behind it.  Candy, feasts, and holiday goodies are in our future whether we like it or not.  This time of the year can be one of the most enjoyable and simultaneously one of the most difficult times of the...

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Weight Loss

Need help getting back into your jeans? Unlike many other “lose weight fast” programs that only yield temporary results, our medical weight loss program is the pathway towards maintaining your ideal body weight throughout life. Our proven program works because it...

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Chronic Neck and Back Pain

Chronic neck and back pain is one of the most common reasons people seek medical care in the United States. It accounts for a large percentage of health care dollars: In 2005, we spent close to $90 billion on medical procedures, imaging studies and medications for...

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MD reviews safety of chiropractic care

by Randy Moyer, DC I often get asked by patients how safe chiropractic care really is.  I generally answer that with a quick review of the costs of chiropractic malpractic insurance rates as compared with other health care providers. - Back surgeons generally pay...

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Yoga, Chiropractic Care, Massage Can Help Relieve Pain

(NewsUSA) - Many people who take medications for chronic pain sometimes wonder whether there is more they can do to manage their condition better. More and more, medical research is showing that the answer is a resounding yes. While prescription and over-the-counter...

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It has long been known that if you retain an exercise program the benefits are numerous, but  for the older adult that has not been in the gym for years, or individuals that have dropped off their fitness program, getting back in the gym can seem foreign and even...

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Stone Massage for Cancer Patients

Cancer is one of the most dreaded and feared diseases. Many people feel it is a death sentence; however there have been some major strides in treatments for cancer. More individuals are recovering, in remission and surviving than ever before.  The question has always...

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Expired – May Massage Special – 1-hr massage only $40

Interested in a massage this month?  Locally known for outstanding massage therapy, Moyer Total Wellness is offering a special through the end of the month.  Schedule a massage this month, and pay only $40.  Want to upgrade to a 1.5-hr massage? Special price only $59....

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Top 10: Tips For Preventing Weight Gain

No.10 Throw out junk food No matter how disciplined you are, if junk food is there, you’ll eventually eat it. All it takes is a long day at work or a rushed meal to push you toward grabbing the quick fix. Do a quick search through your house (cabinets, refrigerator,...

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Increasing Human Performance Through Massage

What Is Sports Massage? Sports massage is a form of massage that utilizes specific strokes to help athletes obtain maximum performance and physical conditioning by increasing power, endurance, and mobility—both before and after an event or exercise. Who Can Benefit?...

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Massage Benefits Depressed Pregnant Women

Massage eases anxiety and depression, as well as leg and back pain, in depressed pregnant women, and their newborns seem to benefit as well, according to a recent study. “Massage therapy effects on depressed pregnant women” was conducted by staff of the Touch Research...

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Natural Therapies for Injuries

As many of you know, last week I (Dr. Moyer) completely tore my ACL and partially tore both meniscus in my left knee.  OUCH! But, I am doing so much better now.  I am walking normal and completely without pain.  I am most likely going to still have surgery, but have...

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Is It Safe To Crack My Back?

Is It Safe To Crack My Back? The possibilities of joint or nerve damage. By Henry S. Lodge, M.D. Q. Because my back often gets stiff and tight, it feels good to crack my back. Is this ok? A. In general, yes. People have been doing it for thousands of years, and it's...

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Treating Depression with Massage

By Don McCann, MA, LMT Physical pain that is often chronic goes hand in hand with psychological depression. Often, clients who come for massage for pain relief also suffer from depression. Of course,we do not do psychotherapy at Moyer Total Wellness. However,...

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Healthy Aging, Part 1: Fitness by Andrew Weil, MD

As many of you know, I (Dr. Moyer) follow many of Dr. Weil's protocols, not only for myself, but for my patients.  Dr. Weil has a series of "Healthy Aging" articles that I am going to summarize on the blog this week. From Dr Weil... "The aging process is a natural...

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User Rating: 5 out of 5 stars by mysanity09 02/07/2011 I had gotten hurt on the job and the workman's comp was bad. The doctor I went to believed more in medicine and I didn't complain loud enough because I needed to keep my job, Silly me because that company always...

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Incredible Massage in Denver

Pamela ‎ - Jan 22, 2011 Had a massage with Tony today and it was absolutely incredible. I have had a lot of massage - and I rate Tony an A+. Also liked the place - friendly, clean and pleasant. I will return! Liked: Service, Value

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All-inclusive wellness center

Jan 18, 2011 "I really enjoyed my first visit with Dr. Moyer. He was evaluated my posture and tailored a massage program to what needed working on. His team is so cheerful and welcoming!"

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Great Hot Stone Massage

Emily ‎ - Jan 12, 2011 I booked a hot stone massage without researching Moyer Wellness. I had a coupon in the mail and so I called. I was pleasantly surprised with the service. My massage with Sabra was fantastic. I felt comfortable and believe her to be a very...

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One Stop Shopping at it’s Best!

Oct 27, 2010 The staff was so friendly, Dr. Moyer was truly caring and I felt like the Wellness Center had everything I needed! Fantastic massage and was pleasantly surprised that they even offered Nutritional Counseling and have a Trainer available. Can't wait to...

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Best massage in Colorado

Oct 26, 2010 I had a massage there, my first in years, and it was just what I needed. Every minute was perfect. Dr. Moyer is very professional and friendly also. Overall a very pleasant experience. I'll be back.

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Great massage experience

Aug 18, 2010 When I first went in, I was greeted by Dr Moyer. After introducing himself, I was shown to my massage room after filling out the information form with past history, ailments, etc. Ceily did my massage. I asked her for a combo of deep tissue and Swedish....

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Relaxing deep tissue massage

Jun 18, 2010 So Relaxing after a busy day, it was great to come to Moyer and get a deep tissue massage. My Therapist was great, and she really listened when I told her what areas to focus on. I was so relaxed during and afterwards, and I booked my next appointment...

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Stress relieving massage in Denver

Jun 10, 2010 You won't be let down! My mom bought me a massage through Living Social, and at first I wasn't sure I would get around to using it, but I'm glad I did. I carry a lot of stress in my shoulders and back, and when I was done with my 60-minute massage, I felt...

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Professional Massage in Denver

Jodilam ‎ - May 17, 2010 Professionalism I got a massage here from the Living Social Deal. I was pleasantly surprised with the courtesy, professionalism and friendliness of the staff at Moyer Total Wellness. I would definitely recommend them! I'm looking forward to...

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Holistic Healing

May 13, 2010 Holistic approach to healing and wellness I highly recommend Dr Moyer and Moyer Total Wellness!

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Year of Wellness

Make a real commitment to bring balance back to your body by becoming a member of our wellness center. Members receive customized treatment plans that incorporate the fundamental principles of healthy living and disease prevention. As you are probably starting to...

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Weight Management

Unlike many other "lose weight fast" programs that only yield temporary results, our medical weight loss program is the pathway towards maintaining your ideal body weight throughout life. Our proven program works because it incorporates the foundation of healthy...

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Tony – Massage Therapist

Tony graduated from the Boulder School of Massage Therapy in 1986 and is our most experienced therapist. Tony offers Swedish, Prenatal, Reflexology, Trigger Point Therapy, Deep Tissue Therapy along with Heat and Cold Therapies. Tony has received extensive training in...

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Muscle Group of the Week: Peroneals

Muscle Group of the Week: Peroneals

We’ve touched base on some of the lower leg muscles in a previous article.  Many of us are familiar with previously mentioned gastrocnemius, as well as the soleus muscle deep to it.  But we tend to ignore our other important muscles surrounding the area.  Divided into...

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Muscle Group of the Week: Lateral Abdominal Wall

Muscle Group of the Week: Lateral Abdominal Wall

Abs. When we hear the word abs, we tend to think of that bumpy six-pack area situated vertically between the chest and the pubic bone.  The structure you’re likely thinking of is the anterior abdominal muscle known as the rectus abdominis. Rectus AbdominisWhile the...

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Muscle Group of the Week: Biceps

Muscle Group of the Week: Biceps

Biceps brachii, which translates to “two-headed muscle of the arm”, is a large thick muscle group consisting of a long head and a short head.  The short head originates from the coracoid process of the scapula, which is a hook-like structure on the lateral side of the...

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Muscle Group of the Week: Glutes

Muscle Group of the Week: Glutes

The gluteal muscle group consists of three individual buttock muscles that originate from the pelvic crest and sacrum and insert into the head of the femur.  The largest and most superficial gluteal muscle is the gluteus maximus; the lateral part of the upper buttock...

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Muscle Group of the Week: Pectoralis

Muscle Group of the Week: Pectoralis

The most superficial and largest muscle of the anterior chest wall, the pectoralis major is known as the main chest muscle. Playing a significant role in shoulder movement, the pecs can be easily overused due to the shoulder joint’s impressive range of motion.  The...

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Massage for Rotator Cuff Injury

Massage for Rotator Cuff Injury

Your rotator cuff is a hard working muscle group.  Consisting of your supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor, the rotator cuff muscles and their tendons surround and stabilize the shoulder joint.  They make sure the head of your humerus is in its...

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Know Your Limits, Don’t Overstretch!

Know Your Limits, Don’t Overstretch!

“I don’t stretch enough,” and “I should stretch more,” are the most common things patients say to me when I’m digging my pointy elbow into their knotted muscles. This idea isn’t exactly true for all people with tight muscles, and it’s been addressed in a previous blog...

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Deep Tissue vs Firm Pressure Massage

Deep Tissue vs Firm Pressure Massage

Is there a difference between a deep tissue massage and a firm pressure massage? This is a topic we lightly touched on in an older article, and here we’re going to dig a little further into the differences between the two.  In the previous blog, there was an emphasis...

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Crossed Syndromes Part 1: Upper Cross

Crossed Syndromes Part 1: Upper Cross

The human body is an amazing system. An ever-adapting machine, it can rearrange its structures to fit environmental changes.  For example, our bodies adjust when we travel from low altitude areas to higher ones so our cells still receive the sufficient oxygen they...

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Treating Gout with Massage

Treating Gout with Massage

Gout is a common type of arthritis that causes tenderness, severe pain, redness, and swelling in the joints.  The condition is caused by high levels of uric acid, a waste product found in the blood, which causes a buildup of sharp crystals around the joints. While...

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Evidence Based Pain Relief

Evidence Based Pain Relief

Pain is a message, a warning signal from the body to the brain in regards to damaged tissue.   If you put your hand on a hot stove top, your brain moves your hand away very quickly.  Pain dominates our nervous system, it captures our focus, making it hard to do...

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Post-Surgery Massage Part 1: Liposuction

Post-Surgery Massage Part 1: Liposuction

Liposuction, sometimes referred to as lipo for short, is a type of fat-removal procedure that uses a suction to remove fat from specific parts of the body.  Most often used on the lower abdomen, the surgery is also sought out for addressing excessive fat on the neck,...

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How Can Craniosacral Therapy Help You?

How Can Craniosacral Therapy Help You?

Let’s talk about this magnificent healing modality called craniosacral therapy. Maybe you’ve heard of it or maybe this is the first time it has come to your awareness. Either way I hope the following information answers some questions and provides insights into this...

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Lengthening and Strengthening Your Facial Muscles

Lengthening and Strengthening Your Facial Muscles

When you have a pre consultation with your massage therapist, which muscle groups do you most often voice concern about?  If you’re like the majority of patients who come in to see me, it’s the neck, shoulders, and back muscles.  Followed in popularity by those muscle...

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Tips for Dealing with Holiday Stress

Tips for Dealing with Holiday Stress

Though the Holidays can be a magical time to celebrate with the ones we love, it can also be an incredible stressful time. So, let’s explore some ways to ease the stress this year. Top Tips for Dealing with Holiday Stress Hydrate Are you drinking enough water?  If...

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Giving Wellness This Thanksgiving

Giving Wellness This Thanksgiving

Happy almost Thanksgiving! I hope you’re staying warm, happy, and safe during this holiday season. For most of us, the holidays are going to be a bit strange.  Gatherings will be smaller, or maybe cancelled altogether.  Air travel is nerve wracking to say the least,...

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Omega 3 vs Omega 6: How to Get to Ultimate Benefit!

Omega 3 vs Omega 6: How to Get to Ultimate Benefit!

We all need our healthy fats!  Avocados, walnuts, olive oil… all those delicious sources are packed with health benefits and your body loves when you eat them! You’ve probably heard about Omega-3 and Omega-6.  Whenever a snack package is produced, be it a jar of...

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Types of Pain Part 3: Nerve Pain

Types of Pain Part 3: Nerve Pain

Nerve pain, when compared to bone and muscle pain, is pretty complicated. When a nerve becomes irritated, the transmission of messages from the brain to the rest of the body is disrupted.  This irritation can lead to impairments in muscular functioning, changes in...

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Types of Pain Part 2: Muscular Pain

Types of Pain Part 2: Muscular Pain

Myalgia, also known as muscular pain, is the medical term used to describe aches and tenderness found in the muscle bellies, tendons, and ligaments.  In the previous blog Types of Pain Part 1: Bone Pain, it’s sometimes difficult to differentiate between muscle pain...

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Low Back Pain and Sciatica: Directional Preference Treatment

Low Back Pain and Sciatica: Directional Preference Treatment

Have you or someone you know experienced low back pain and leg pain, numbness, tingling or weakness? These symptoms together are often the result of irritated discs in the low back affecting the nerves that supply the structures in the legs. This condition can often...

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Autism and Massage Therapy

Autism and Massage Therapy

Autism, also known as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), affects roughly one out of 54 children as of 2021.  Worldwide, one out of 160 people are believed to have the condition. This complex developmental disorder ranges in severity, and the symptoms vary from person to...

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ACL Injury Part 2: Full Recovery is Possible!

ACL Injury Part 2: Full Recovery is Possible!

In ACL Injury Part 1, I discussed what can be done to lessen the chances of a tear to the anterior cruciate ligament.  Before you continue with the article, I recommend reading the previous one, as it also contains useful information about the anterior cruciate...

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What is Craniosacral Therapy?

What is Craniosacral Therapy?

Sometimes called cranial sacral therapy, this modality is a hands-on technique that uses gentle touch to release tension in the central nervous system.  Developed by osteopath John Upledger in the 1970s, CST is mostly practiced by osteopaths, but is also commonly...

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What is Ashiatsu Massage?

What is Ashiatsu Massage?

Ashiatsu is a massage technique that involves the application of the practitioner’s feet, rather than the hands or arms, to a patient’s body.  In Japanese, ashi means foot, and atsu means pressure; so it literally translates to foot pressure. During an Ashiatsu...

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What is PNF Stretching?

What is PNF Stretching?

PNF stretching, or proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, is a form of assisted stretching used to improve joint range of motion and physical performance.  The modality, with its goal of increasing or restoring one’s flexibility, is often performed by physical...

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How Massage Strengthens Your Immune System

How Massage Strengthens Your Immune System

When you think of ways to boost immunity, your first thoughts might be to pound some vitamin C and avoid being coughed on.  Yes, please do both of those for your immunity, of course.  Actually, you don’t even need to pound the vitamin C, necessarily.  It’s a...

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Why Massage is Important for Training and Recovery

Why Massage is Important for Training and Recovery

So you’ve been training like a crazy person!  And your muscles, despite their accomplishments, are angry at you for it.  Good for you on building strength and endurance, but now you should reward your muscles for their hard work.  How about a massage? Ok!  So you got...

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What is Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome?

What is Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome?

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, also called Chondromalacia Patella, is a very common condition caused by overuse of the knee.  In fact, it’s probably the most common knee overuse condition there is.  It usually presents itself with anterior knee pain and is most often...

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How to Find a Good Massage Therapist

How to Find a Good Massage Therapist

Are you a person who has received many massages from many different therapists and has enjoyed each one of those massages to the same extent?  If so, that’s wonderful!  But if not, you fall into the majority.  My only hope is that you don’t let one less than ideal...

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The History of Chiropractic Medicine

The History of Chiropractic Medicine

In September 1895, the first ever chiropractic treatment was performed by a self-taught doctor named Daniel David Palmer. Or was it? Yes, Daniel David Palmer is considered to be the founder of chiropractic medicine -- and yes, we’ll talk about that noteworthy...

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Is Acupuncture Good for Pain?

Is Acupuncture Good for Pain?

If you’ve never tried it before, acupuncture may sound a little scary.  I mean, the insertion of twenty or so tiny needles directly into your skin… I needn’t elaborate on why a newcomer to Traditional Chinese Medicine might be frightened. But I assure you, it’s not as...

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Back Pain: Coping vs Treating

Back Pain: Coping vs Treating

You’ve just woken up with a backache.  It could be mild, possibly debilitating, but undoubtedly annoying.  Depending on the obligations you may or may not have today, you might lay catatonic for the next few hours or you might reach for an anti-inflammatory before...

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Massage for Tension Headaches

Massage for Tension Headaches

The tension headache.  That tightening ache that stems from your knotted neck and wraps around your head.  You feel like you’re wearing an undersized invisible headband, and you wish the thing would just snap in half.  You were stressed before the onset, and you...

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The Art of Rest

The Art of Rest

Ah, rest.  We need it, we love it, and most of us don’t get enough of it.  We currently live in a weird and stressful world that keeps us up at night, insomnia is alarmingly common, and some don’t react well to melatonin tablets, and many of us have a tight schedule...

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Tips for Your 2021 Fitness Journal

Tips for Your 2021 Fitness Journal

Have you ever had a fitness journal before?  If so, for how long did you actually use it?  A few days?  A few weeks? Yeah, that’s what lots of us end up doing.  We get all these grandiose ideas about lifestyle changes we can make, and then end up trashing the book...

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Peppermint: A Festively Curative Herb

Peppermint: A Festively Curative Herb

Winter is coming!  And we all know what that means in regards to festive flavors!  Bring on the coffees and chocolates that taste like gingerbread, eggnog, white chocolate, and peppermint! As delicious as they (and Christmas treats in general) may be, they’re packed...

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What is Fascia?

What is Fascia?

Have you ever heard your massage therapist or even chiropractor use the word "myofascial?" Or simply "fascia?" If you wondered what they were talking about, here is a brief explanation of this incredible tissue. Myo is the Greek word for "muscle," and fascia is Latin...

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Do Epsom Salts Work?

Do Epsom Salts Work?

What’s up with epsom salts?  Some people swear by their benefits while others are skeptical.  Floating in a fizzy bath sounds pretty relaxing, but does the fizziness really have an impact on the relaxing aspects of baths?  They’re already relaxing, with or without...

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Semi-Healthy Pumpkin Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookie

Semi-Healthy Pumpkin Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookie

Happy autumn, everyone!  To celebrate my favorite season, I’ve made you my own special pumpkin peanut butter oatmeal cookie!  How is it special, you ask?  Well, it’s the only one of my cookies that’s not entirely bad for your health! Yes, I know… the ingredients do...

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How Does Massage Improve Your Sleep?

How Does Massage Improve Your Sleep?

If you’ve ever read a bulleted list of massage benefits, you’ve likely seen the words sleep promotion just below pain relief and stress relief.  But how exactly does massage promote restful sleep?  Why is it that half of us want to crawl into bed post-session, and the...

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At Home Massage Tools: Water Bottle

At Home Massage Tools: Water Bottle

Alright!  Here’s the final piece of the Household Items for Massage quadrilogy!  Previously, I revealed the magic that hides in your kitchen drawer, your garage, and your gym bag.  Now, let’s talk about the massager hiding in your refrigerator! The US consumes nearly...

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At Home Massage Tools: The Rolling Pin for Self-Massage

At Home Massage Tools: The Rolling Pin for Self-Massage

So, you just got a massage and you’re feeling great!  Good on you for taking care of your body and setting aside some time for yourself! But, when are you planning to see your massage therapist again?  Are you even on the schedule?  Don’t worry, I’m not shaming you if...

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The Importance of Proper Form

The Importance of Proper Form

So, you’ve been pumping iron!  I’m sure you feel accomplished, but I bet your muscles are sore too!  I’m enduring all that right now, let me tell you.  Just took on a new workout routine, and my quadriceps are shredded! And when I say shredded, I mean they’re in...

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The Therapeutic Massage for You!

The Therapeutic Massage for You!

When you hear the words “therapeutic massage”, is there a particular modality that comes to mind?  Deep tissue?  Swedish?  Sports?  Having a kitten knead its paws into your belly? We all have a different idea of what makes a therapeutic massage.  I’ve had clients on...

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Get Hydrated With Food

Get Hydrated With Food

Summer is here!  And depending on what kind of a person you are, that’s either wonderful news or dreadful news! While summer mornings and evenings are quite pretty, summer afternoons can be pretty rough.  The miserable heat… the risk of sunburn… and my personal...

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Vitamin D and Coronavirus

Vitamin D and Coronavirus

If you’ve ever been diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency, you have something in common with a billion other people worldwide.  Really, one other billion people (give or take.) Your doctors have likely recommended supplements, a change in diet, and a healthy increase in...

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COVID-19 Guidelines for Re-Opening

COVID-19 Guidelines for Re-Opening

Update: February 28, 2022 We are so excited to announce that masks are no longer required in our clinic!! Some of our staff may choose to continue to wear masks, as we know some of our clients will too. If you prefer that the staff member you are working with wear a...

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Healthy Quarantine Part 2: Physical Health

Healthy Quarantine Part 2: Physical Health

Hi again, those of you in quarantine!  I hope you’re staying safe, healthy, and physically well! “But Katrina, I saw you eat an entire pizza yesterday!  That doesn’t sound like a physically well thing to do!”  First of all, no you didn’t.  Second of all, it was half a...

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Coronavirus Update: We Are In This Together

Coronavirus Update: We Are In This Together

Temporary Closure Extended Following CDC guidelines along with federal and local regulations, MTW is going to remain closed through the following dates: Massage Therapy remains closed through April 30 Chiropractic Care and Acupuncture remain closed through April 14...

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Closed for Coronavirus

Closed for Coronavirus

*UPDATE 4/11: Moyer Total Wellness is currently closed through at least April 26 for Chiropractic and Acupuncture and April 30 for Massage Therapy as instructed by DORA. We will continue to monitor the situation and make adjustments as necessary. We are still...

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Massage and Immunity

Massage and Immunity

There are growing concerns surrounding the coronavirus. We are closely following the statements and recommendations from the CDC and World Health Organization. However, along with following recommended hygiene protocols such as hand washing, there are other ways to...

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Why a Couples Massage Makes the Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift

Why a Couples Massage Makes the Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift

So, Valentine’s Day is right around the corner!  With that in mind, have you thought about a gift for your special someone? You could get them chocolate.  But what’s the point of that when National Discounted Candy Day is February 15th?  You could also get them...

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Diets, Obesity, and the Answer to Long Term Weight Loss

Diets, Obesity, and the Answer to Long Term Weight Loss

Every year we make those same old resolutions. This will be the year I will eat healthy. This will be the year I will work out. This will be the year I finally lose the weight I’ve been holding on to. You start out more motivated than ever. But now we are almost 3...

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What Is a Muscle Adhesion and How to Treat It?

What Is a Muscle Adhesion and How to Treat It?

You're walking back to your car after a massage, and through the haze of bliss you think about what the therapist shared with you in the post-consultation. She mentioned finding some adhesions in your trapezius and rhomboid muscles that are limiting the range of...

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How to Find the Right Pillow

How to Find the Right Pillow

The down pillow, the fiber-filled pillow, the memory foam pillow… there are so many different types.  Stiff necks everywhere have been asking “how do I find the right pillow?” since the invention of the pillow.  On behalf of my love of information and abhorrence of...

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The Effects of Smoking on Spinal Health

The Effects of Smoking on Spinal Health

Smoke on the Spine: What Studies Show Cigarettes Do to Your Spinal Health Cigarettes are to lungs as alcohol is to liver, right? Yes, but there's more. It's becoming more apparent that the lungs are not the only body part to suffer from inhaling tobacco smoke - the...

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Easy and Healthy Ideas for Lunch

Easy and Healthy Ideas for Lunch

Lunch can be so tough for people.  Many times, people are out “hunting” for this meal.  Commonly we choose sandwiches or fried fast food (the two things all fad diets and sound nutrition plans have in common is no bread or fried foods!).  Ideally, we would all have a...

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How To Keep Your Body Feeling Great Between Massages

How To Keep Your Body Feeling Great Between Massages

After 7 years of chronic neck and upper back pain, Paige* was not hopeful. Over the years she had visited innumerable massage therapists and chiropractors, yet she was still in pain. As a Hail Mary she booked an appointment with me and for the next 7 sessions we were...

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How to Get Sciatica Relief

How to Get Sciatica Relief

Have you ever had lower back pain that radiates to your hip, travels all the way down your leg, and then ends on the plantar surface of your feet?  Is it a tingling pain, a burning pain, a sting, weak sensation, numbness, or just general discomfort? If so, you’re just...

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What is a Balanced Meal?

What is a Balanced Meal?

Even a question that seems so simple can often confuse people, even professionals within the wellness industry will have difficulty answering that question. Additionally, there really is not a 100% consensus on what the right answer is or should be.  To make things...

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7 Stretches You Should Be Doing While Traveling

7 Stretches You Should Be Doing While Traveling

Traveling can be hard on your body. Even after a short flight, I always find myself standing up at the end with aches and pains I didn’t have before. Neck pillows only do so much to keep your head in a good position while sleeping. Legs get crammed into a tiny space...

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Five Things to Know Before Your First Massage

Five Things to Know Before Your First Massage

Here's What You Need to Know Before Your First Massage Massages are great! And if you’ve never had one, it won’t take long to figure out why people get hooked. But it can be a little intimidating walking in for your first appointment if you don’t know what to expect....

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The Importance of Getting Proper Sleep

The Importance of Getting Proper Sleep

More than one third of Americans are not getting an adequate amount of sleep on a regular basis. It is generally recommended that adults aged 18-60 years sleep at least 7 hours every night to promote optimal health. Sleeping less is associated with an increased risk...

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Exercise Your Brain

Exercise Your Brain

Have you ever heard or said the expression “you are getting on my last nerve”?  I not only used to spew this cliche expression at my daughter (who happens to be a boxer-beagle mix) whenever she wouldn’t listen to me, but I would also follow up with “They don’t...

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Divorce: Healing with Massage

Divorce: Healing with Massage

Going through a divorce may be one of the most stressful life experiences that you ever experience. In fact, because there have been countless studies that highlight the connection between stress and the taxing and negative effects on the immune systems, there are...

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Essentials of Fitness Part 2: Cardio

Essentials of Fitness Part 2: Cardio

As mentioned in the previous blog (and as will be mentioned in the next three blogs following this one), there are four different aspects of fitness: strength, cardio, flexibility, and balance.  A well-rounded fitness routine should address of all four categories; not...

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The Lonely Muscle Part 2: Psoas

The Lonely Muscle Part 2: Psoas

In my previous blog titled The Lonely Muscle Part 1: Subscapularis, we discussed the significance of your subscapularis and all the reasons why it’s such a lonely muscle.  However, there is one muscle in your body that manages to be even lonelier than your...

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Unlock Your Fat and Lose Weight

Unlock Your Fat and Lose Weight

You may already know that I used to work for the Cenegenics Medical Institute – they are the worldwide leader in ‘Age Management Medicine’.  Clients paid $2000 to come to the institute for 4 hours.  Two of those hours were spent in a Wellness Consultation with me. ...

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Massage and Blood Pressure

Massage and Blood Pressure

Massage and Blood Pressure: Evidence based research proves massage can play a role in reducing stress and hypertension. Stressful situations can cause blood pressure to spike temporarily.  Prolonged periods of stress can potentially lead to more serious conditions....

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Massage and Influenza: Help Your Body Fight The Flu

Massage and Influenza: Help Your Body Fight The Flu

‘Tis the season and we’re not talking about the holidays.  We’re talking about flu season.  This week, December 4-11 is National Influenza Vaccination week, highlighting the importance of influenza vaccination.  Seasonal flu disorder is most active during this time of...

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EXPIRED – Massage Packages & Pricing Specials (Save Money)

Signature Massage Rates o 1/2-hr Massage (25 min) $40 o 1-hr Massage (55 min) $70* o (5) 1-hr Massages $280 (saves $70) o (10) 1-hr Massages $490 (saves $210) o 1.5-hr Massage (80 min) $100* o (5) 1.5-hr Massages $400 (saves $100) o (10) 1.5-hr Massages $700 (saves...

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Expired – May Membership Special – FREE Massage

        Purchase a membership in May and receive a FREE 1-hr Signature Massage. $99 – Year of Wellness Membership $10 Off – Chiropractic Follow Ups $10 Off – 1/2-hr Signature Massages $20 Off – 1-hr Signature Massages $30 Off – 1.5-hr Massages $60...

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Expired – $159 Chiropractic + Massage Therapy Special

Chiropractic & Massage Special Come in and enjoy Moyer Total Wellness' most popular service - Chiropractic Care followed by massage therapy.  This service begins with a 45-60 minute evaluation and treatment (up to 30 minutes of body work, including muscle work and...

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Kim Estvanko

My name is Kim Estvanko. I was raised in the mid-west becoming a Colorado transplant in 1986. I love Colorado’s climate and the health oriented lifestyle associated with living here. In my spare time, I love to hike, bike, kayak and cook as well as spending time with...

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Expired – Holiday Packages

Holiday Gift Packages Available! 3 private yoga sessions for $99 (Valued at $177) - Increase your strength, flexibility and balance - Great for beginners to deepen your practice - Tailored for you and your body - Demonstrations and assisting with alignment 3 signature...

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Fundamentals of Health

Fundamentals of Health Stress vs. Relaxation (Emotional Stress) The classic example of stress is going for a hike and encountering a bear.  Your body goes into survival mode, gearing up to run or fight to save your life.  If you are being eaten by a bear, there is no...

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Michaela Cox – Massage Therapist

Hello, My name is Michaela Cox and I am a licensed massage therapist. Graduating from Denver School of Massage Therapy I learned a 14 modality curriculum. Trigger point and deep tissue/sports being my favorite subjects. My intention is to eventually return your body...

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Weight Loss & Summer Reset Presentation

Weight Loss & Summer Reset Program Presentation Thursday June 19th, 5:45 pm – 6:45 pm Presented By: Certified Master Nutritionist and Health Manager Jessica Lee Paulos • Learn how to jumpstart your metabolism. • Discover the tools you need to have a successful...

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Essential Fatty Acids

Essential Fatty Acid's (EFA's) 101 EFA's are fatty acids that cannot be made by the body and must be supplied through our diet. EFA's can support your body by lowering inflammation, cholesterol levels and blood pressure and to reduce the risk of heart disease and...

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Holistic Pain Relief Workshop

Join our Health Manager and Master Nutrition Therapist Jessica Lee Paulos and Dr. Moyer in a series of nutritional workshops. Each topic was developed to provide you with step-by-step guidance towards helping you gain ultimate health and well-being. Holistic Pain...

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Expired – December Specials

(1) Yogassage! - only $69 (reg $99) Looking to find that perfect service to help unwind your tight computer postural muscles? You found it! We have added a private/semi-private yoga room to our wellness center. Two of our most requested massage therapists, Randi...

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Tesla Trimble – Massage Therapist

Tesla graduated from The Massage Therapy Institute of Colorado in 2011. Although she is still in the beginning phases of her career, she thrives on perfecting her massage by working with a multitude of bodies and techniques. "I aim to help correct the bodies structure...

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Denver Wellness Network

Hello Moyer Wellness Clients! If you are unable to come into our clinic for your wellness services, we recommend visiting the Denver Wellness Network! It is a great way to find local wellness services. (www.denverwellnessnetwork.com)

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Ann Ramos – Massage Therapist

Ann was born and raised in Fenton Michigan, the youngest of 11 children. During her senior year of high school, she started teaching group exercise classes which inspired her to pursue education in health and fitness. She attended Alma College where she achieved a...

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Antioxidant Therapy Facial $75.00

Awaken, stimulate, and instantly transform your skin with our 60 minute Antioxidant Therapy Facial. This treatment includes our unique Firming Enzyme Treatment which will even skin tone, improve the appearance of fine lines and rough textures, improve moisture content...

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Derma-Glow Package $99.99

Polishing Facial + Unique Dermplane Technique Derma-Glow will leave your skin brighter, tighter, and positively glowing. This unique method of exfoliation removes dead skin cells, and any unwanted facial hair, using a butter-knife like instrument. Combined with...

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Peels $60-$75

Resurface the skin while improving tone, texture, and smoothness by removing dull, dead cells and reducing the appearance of fine lines, pore size, blemishes, and unwanted pigment. This treatment is tailored to a level that suits you, from mild to more advanced using...

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Massage Memberships Denver

Want a massage? Reduce stress, relax, release endorphins and treat pain with not just one massage but many. Massages can be expensive but they do not have to be. At Moyer Total Wellness, we offer Massage Memberships. With a Massage Membership from Moyer Total...

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Expired – Massage for Dad this Father’s Day

This Father's Day treat Dad to a relaxing massage. He works hard all year long and a soothing massage from one of our highly experienced therapists will help relieve stress, lower blood pressure and relax muscle tension. Father's Day is the perfect chance to spoil him...

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Trans Fat Banned in Colorado Schools

Trans fats have been banned in Colorado's schools with the passing of the SB 68 bill.  Colorado joins California, Deleware, Oregon, and other states in the next move to improve our nation's health, beginning with our nation's youth. Dr. Moyer of Moyer Total Wellness,...

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Trans Fats Ban Closer to Approval in Colorado Schools

The SB 68 bill has just passed the Senate in Colorado, joining other states like California, Oregon, and Delaware. The result is an incredible step forward in our nation's health, beginning with the move to ban trans fats in Colorado schools. The bill will now need to...

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Expired – Mother’s Day Massage Gifts Denver

Mother's Day is only a few weeks! This year, give a mother in your life the gift of massage. We have so much gratitude for all the hard work, love and time that mothers everywhere give. Let them indulge and relax to celebrate this special day. Our certified and...

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Tiger Woods, Golf, and Chiropractic Care

Tiger Woods has had his personal ups and downs but his golfing career is on an amazing up swing.  He is known as once of the greatest golfers the game has ever seen. In addition to rigorous training Woods also takes additional measures to keep his back and body...

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Chemical Stress – Part 3 of The Three Forms of Stress

In addition to Physical and Emotional stress, your body and wellness can suffer from Chemical stress. Chemical stress is induced by toxins in your environment.  This includes everything from the foods and drinks you consume to the medication you take to the air you...

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Spring Massage Denver

The first official weekend of spring is upon us.  While massage can be beneficial for our bodies at any time of the year, a spring massage just seems like the perfect time to shake off the cobwebs of winter.  Renew, rejuvenate, and refresh with a relaxing and...

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Sleep Tips and Tricks

As important as proper nutrition and exercise, the right amount of sleep is a key component in your wellness. In fact studies have shown that individuals that get around 7 hours of sleep tend to burn more calories than those who get less than 5. Dr. Mallika Marshall...

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Tips for Early Allergy Season in Colorado

Dr. Cliff Bassett discusses tips for relief from seasonal allergies with ABC News. Due to global warming unfortunately we are experiencing allergy symptoms earlier than usual. Preventative measures are the most imperative measures in order to prevent allergies....

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Hazards of High Heels

We all know that smoking, taking a detour through the drive-thru and downing margaritas are not habits that promote wellness and health.  Now after a study by Australian Researchers your favorite pair of high heels may be added to that list.  The Australian Study has...

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Sexy Celebrity Diet Secrets

The latest issue of Us Weekly reveals dieting tips from the sexiest stars. Here are tips and tricks on how gorgeous stars like Katy Perry and Victoria's Secret model Miranda Kerr stay fit and healthy. video platform video management video solutions video...

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Happy New Year from Moyer Total Wellness!

Happy New Year from Moyer Total Wellness! Moyer Total Wellness and Massage Denver are here for you in this upcoming year. We offer a wide array of services to help you achieve ultimate wellness. We provide massage, acupuncture, chiropractic care, nutrition counseling,...

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Heart Disease Prevention Tips for Women

Dr. Karen Latimer shares her prevention tips for heart disease, specifically for women. Often overshadowed, heart disease is the number one killer of women and it is vital to take steps now to be an active participant in your health and wellness. video platformvideo...

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Expired – Denver A-List Special Promotion

As many of you know, Moyer Total Wellness was a finalist for Best Massage in Denver, finishing 2nd out of over 220 companies.  The Denver A-list is promoting us today with a very special offer.  For only $40, you can get a 1-hr massage as well as our Year of Massage...

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Chiropratic Care for Your Back

Back pain ranks among the most common problems that bring people to chiropractors. In fact, one out of every three people who suffer from low back pain seeks chiropractic care, making it the most utilized healthcare practice outside of conventional medicine....

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Relaxation Massage vs Therapeutic Massage

I was recently reading an article that I found summed up the difference between the body work at Moyer Total Wellness vs massage at some of our competitors like Massage Envy.  I thought I would include a few of the highlights here: 1) If you need to relax, schedule a...

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Along with Massage, Exercise Benefits Arthritis Sufferers

Arthritis is a growing problem, rising along with the rates of aging Americans. Fifty million Americans have been diagnosed with arthritis, and that number is expected to rise to 67 million by 2030, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The...

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Gout is On the Rise; Massage Can Help

Massage therapy can help relieve the pain and inflammation of gout, a type of arthritis. New research shows the prevalence of gout in the U.S. has risen over the past two decades, and now affects 8.3 million Americans. Prior research found that gout incidence in the...

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Choosing Positive Experiences Benefits the Aging Process

There is no question that massage therapy is a positive experience; now, research indicates people who choose positive, emotionally gratifying experiences age more successfully than do those people who don't choose such experiences. The tendency to make good choices...

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Vote for MTW! Best Massage in Denver!

As you may know, massag therapy at Moyer Total Wellness has really grown.  We went from one massage therapist in April of 2010 to 10 massage therapists today!  The reason is because we only hire the most experieneced and caring therapists. If you agree that we offer...

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Soothe Your Body and Soul With a Therapeutic Massage

Stiff shoulders? Aching back? In a time of high gas prices, a shaky economy, and political rancor, it’s no wonder that many of us are feeling a bit stressed lately. Add the usual aches and pains that come along with age, arthritis, sports injuries and the strain of...

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9 Habits That Improve Your Appearance

Look Good, Feel Good, Do Good. Here are 9 simple habits to get into that will change your appearance over time for the better. No.8 Change your bedsheets Dirty pillow cases are a prime reason for breakouts, so switching your sheets once a week will reduce your skin's...

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Lifestyle Trumps Heredity in Predicting Life Span

If you expect to live into your nineties because your parents did, think again. A new study from Sweden has found that lifestyle factors are much more important than heredity in determining who lives longest. The researchers from Gothenburg University found that not...

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New Massage Website – denver-massage.com

Our massage services have been gaining in popularity and we are now hosting a new website just for massage information.  www.denver-massage.com. We have a new staff page that shows the massage therapists as well as their massage schedule. We will be updating all of...

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Massage Deal of the Day! MTW on Groupon.com

Moyer Total Wellness is being featured on Groupon.com today 4/20 and tomorrow 4/21. $39 for a 55-Minute Custom Massage and One-Year Massage Membership* at Moyer Total Wellness ($158 Value) To buy this deal, click here:http://www.groupon.com/r/uu11976232 *Valued at $99...

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Does Sports Massage Improve Performance or Recovery?

Many elite athletes consider sports massage an essential part of their training and recovery routine. Theses athletes report that a sports massage helps them train more effectively, improve performance, prevent injury, and recovery quickly. Historically, competitive...

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Healthy Aging Part 2: Eating Right by Andrew Weil, MD

With growing evidence that prolonged inflammation influences the course of many diseases, including Alzheimer's, there is no doubt that diet is an important factor. The following are healthy ways to reduce inflammation through diet, courtesy of Dr. Weil on Healthy...

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Massage: It’s real medicine

Having your honey rub your back is sweet, but it's tough to compete with the hands of a pro. A good massage therapist can make you feel like a new person. And now research suggests massage can ease insomnia, boost immunity, prevent PMS, and more. Maybe that's why...

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Great Therapeutic Massage in Denver!

I've been to Moyer Total Wellness twice now and both times it was a great experience. The building is centrally located with plenty of free parking. I love the convenience of the online scheduling system. My massage therapist asked me specifically which areas I needed...

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Terrific Massage

Jan 19, 2011 I really enjoyed my first visit to Moyer Total Wellness. My massage therapist Erica did a terrific job working out the knots and stiffness in my neck and shoulders. I'm already looking forward to my next massage!

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Affordable massage in Denver

Jan 14, 2011 I have been going to Moyer for about 3 months now after originally purchasing a Groupon. I typically see Donna and the massages are good and consistent. I would recommend it to anyone looking for an affordable place for massage in Denver.

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Best Wellness Center in Denver!

Nov 14, 2010 Moyer Total Wellness is great! Sarah, the nutritionist is amazing and has such good ideas for a healthier life-style. She is easy to talk to and very educated. And Dr. Moyer, the chiropractor, was so helpful in discussing my back issues-- and I'm coming...

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Ten Tips to Get the Most From Your Massage

Be as receptive and open to the massage process as possible. Don’t eat just before a massage session.  Let your body digest your meal first. Be on time. If you arrive in a frenzied, rushed state, it may take longer to relax. Take off only as much clothing as you are...

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Great massage and knowledgeable staff

Oct 22, 2010 This is by far the best place for massages I have found in Denver since moving here. The staff are all very experienced and willing to go above and beyond.  I love this place and it's extremely fair priced! So next time you need a massage pass on the...

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Moyer Total Wellness Review June 22, 2010

Melissa ‎ - Jun 22, 2010 They are the best I've found! They are small, but very hands-on and interested in healing and health for their patients. This is a perfect place for massage when you need body work done to relieve pain and tension. There is so much experience...

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Ahhhhhmazing massage!!!!

Jun 18, 2010 Please sir, may I have some more?? Introduced to Moyer Total Wellness by Living Social.....boy am I grateful! I was early- and think I met at least 75% of the staff! One nicer than the next. By massage time, I was already comfortable and relaxed and knew...

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AMAZING deep tissue massage

Jun 4, 2010 Great customer service I had a great experience at Moyer and the most AMAZING deep tissue massage. They were also helpful in explaing stretches I could do help alleviate pain. The facility was clean and the staff were very professional and knowledgeable....

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Great Deep Tissue Massage Therapist

May 15, 2010 This place rocks! I picked up a deal on LivingSocial to check these guys out. I ended up getting a deep tissue massage from Tony. Man, I've been introduced to a whole new level of deep tissue. After an hour of being worked on, I felt like just leaning...

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Forget the Calgon…GET A MASSAGE!

by uramuffin02 at Citysearch 01/24/11 When a one hour massage can ease your built up tension and relax you that much, who needs an all day spa. My time and where I spend my money means a lot to me. The massage I received from Sabra was worth both the money and my...

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Cari Levy, MD – Colorado Board Certified Internist

[singlepic id=25 h=150 mode=web20 float=left] “I first tried chiropractic because I felt something was out of place in my neck. After receiving regular chiropractic care, I soon realized that my migraine medication began piling up in my medicine cabinet. I used to...

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Kyle – Massage Therapist

Legally blind since birth, with only 10% vision, touch has always been a part of Kyle’s life. Though still a fairly new therapist, massage has been a part of Kyle’s life for over the past 10 years, both giving to friends and family as well as being a guest on the...

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Thanks for taking a look at our wellness blog

This is where we keep years of healthy living information.  The posts in our massage and wellness blog contain information about the essentials of healthy living, like oxygen, water, food, movement, rest and avoiding stress.  Our blog also has specific information on topics such as how to avoid calf strains or the specific benefits of a sports massage.  If you can’t find what you are looking for in our blog, just give us a call at (303)756-9355 and Dr. Moyer would be happy to answer your questions. Have an idea for a good post in our wellness blog? Just let us know!